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Once Sans had finished doing Frisk's makeup, she looked exactly like a skeleton. He stared at her, admiring his artwork.

"you're ready..." He handed her the mini-mirror that came with the face paint. He placed his hands on his hips.

"Woah...I...look so much like a...monster!" Frisk exclaimed. Sans looked at her. "N-No! I didn't mean for that to be rude! I just mean, I look like a skeleton." She face palmed herself. Sans chuckled and took the face paint box that lay in her lap and closed it. He handed her a cloak, she put it on rather slowly, as she couldn't figure out how to put it on. They made a long journey to Snowdin. He snuck her past the sentry guards and Royal Guardsmen that lay eyes on them. In which, they didn't suspect a thing. Once they arrived in Sans' home town, they went to the Snowdin Inn.

They bought a room for a few nights. Sans led Frisk to her room and there, they figured out what their next move would be.


They had thought of a good plan. Sans would somehow distract King Asgore, which would mean he'd forget about the barrier, letting Frisk sneak past him and escape the underground.

Frisk sobbed, as she didn't want to leave Sans. They hugged and said their goodbyes. "goodbyes aren't forever, frisk. i'll see you after i figure out how to break down the barrier and set the whole underground free."

"Goodbye, Sans."

"See you soon, frisk." They hugged and Sans wiped Frisk's tears. Sans knocked four times on Asgore's office door. "Come in."

"hey king." Sans could see Asgore working on some files, writing down something. "Hello, Sans." He said, not looking up from the papers on his desk."i have a surprise for you. y'know, for all the hard work you've done for us in the underground."

"You do?"

"mhm. it's just out on your balcony. c'mon." Sans walked to the two french door that lead to a balcony in his office. He placed his hand on the door handle and breathed in and out.

This better work. He said to himself.

He opened the doors as he felt the King's presence behind him. "here it is..." they waited. "Nothing's here, Sans."

It was late at night, and very dark outside. "just wait, king." As if on command, the fireworks went off. Red, orange, yellow, green, blue and purple fireworks went off a different times. "Woah, Sans, it's...wonderful." Asgore said as the fireworks ended. The king turned to Sans. "I've been really stressed recently, about the last human soul. Thank you." Sans nodded, hoping that this bought enough time for Frisk to escape.



It was the first ever time that Sans had seen the overworld. The grass was ever-so green, the birds are singing and flowers are blooming. The sun shined brightly and there was no snow in sight. He still couldn't believe he'd just freed the monsters of the underground.

Sans hoped and hoped that Frisk still had that bone that he gave her years ago.

she's probably thrown it out, or forgotten 'bout it. He thought. He was determined to find her, and this was the quickest possible way to find her. He inhaled and exhaled, before teleporting. He arrived outside of a cute house. It was a dark blue house with a white roof. The house reminded him of his soul. He walked up to the door, but hesitated.

if she doesn't live here...i don't think...i'd be able to...it'll be very difficult to find her.

He was about to knock, but remembered something. Their secret whistle. He was a little rusty, since he hadn't used the whistle in about four years. He whistled, but nobody answered, so he whistled again. Somebody started to whistle, messed it up, tried again and succeeded. Sans' eyes widened. The door slowly creaked open, and he saw her.

He saw his best friend.

"S-Sans?" She rubbed her eyes, as if she were dreaming. He ran to her and engulfed her in a warm embrace. She hugged him back immediately and sniffled. She let a few tears slip from her eyes. "i'm glad you kept the bone." He told her. She sniffled and chuckled, "I wouldn't give it up for the world..." She told him. They didn't speak for a moment, they let their hug say the words for them.inures had passed, so Frisk spoke again.

"A-am I...am I dreaming? Are you really here?" She asked him. "yup. i'm as real as i can get." He replied. They stopped hugging and Sans wiped her tears, just like he did the last time they'd seen each other.

Frisk took Sans to a local diner. They caught up and ate together, just like Sans said they would.

Monsters lived in peace with the humans for years, without any disturbance of a war. Monsters would never be sealed in the underground again. Frisk was proud of Sans, because he finished what his father didn't. He figured out something his father couldn't figure out, and everyone was happy with him. Sans and Frisk stayed best friends for years. They loved each other with the kind of love only true best friends would have.

And the best decision Sans could have ever made...was going back to that ruins door, even if his father told him never to do so. Because if he didn't, he would still be the lazy, boring Sans that sat around all day doing nothing. He was glad that he found that ruins door, and went back to it. He was glad that, even though his father couldn't be there to enjoy it, he freed the monsters of the underground. He was glad that he met Frisk.


Hope you guys have enjoyed this chapter! I'm sorry to say that this book has come to an end. I've finished this book and I've moved onto making more books! I really hope you guys have loved this book as much as I did. I am so sad that it's finished! But I'm happy that I've finished it. This is the first ever book I've finished before and I love it! Please, comment your good opinions about this book. Any bullying or hate will be deleted.

This has been an amazing journey and a great experience. Thank you all so much for reading. goodbye!

Word count: 1080

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