5 0 0

Sans teleported just outside his house and ran inside. He slammed the door and stopmed to his room.

"Ah! Welcome home, brother! How was patrol?" Papyrus asked. "peachy." Sans replied before slamming his bedroom door. Once inside, Sans struggled to get his cape, armor and belt off. He threw them on the floor and sat down on the corner his bed. He held the sides of his skull with his palms. "Sans? Is...is everything alright...?" Sans sighed and closed his eyes. "pap i...i just really want to be alone right now......please."

"Very well, brother. I'll...put your dinner in the fridge...and...if you change your mind and want to talk...I'll be right out here."

Sans lay in his bed. The clock on the table beside him read 7:42 pm. Papyrus' footfalls could be heard walking away and back downstairs. He stayed wide awake, unable to fall asleep. The clock now read 1:08 am, and then 4:57 am. He sighed and stood up, placing his armor and cape back on, leaving his belt for last.

He teleported himself back to the ruins door. He sat with his back against it, covering himself with his cape and having his hood placed over his skull. He could hear someones footfalls, and assumed it was Frisk. He sighed.

"...frisk...i...figured you would come back anyway...i uh...guess you figured the same about me...heh. i understand...if...you don't want to talk to me...i guess...i'd be pretty mad at me too. look...i just...wanted to apologize...for yesterday...i feel like i at least owe you an explanation. \

...frisk...?...are...are you there...?"

"No. I am afraid she is not here." A woman's voice sounded on the other side of the door. Sans gasped. "y-you're not frisk."

"No, I am not. But please, child...if you would be so kind to tell me who you are...and how you know my daughters name." The last part sounded more angrier. Sans stood up.

crap crap crap crap crap crap crap crap crap!

"...wh-where is frisk?"

"That is none of your concern. However, you are my concern. So please, do not make me repeat myself."

Sans trembled, but used his magic to take out his blue soul. He exhaled a shaky breath. "my name...is sans. and i know frisk's name because...well...she's my best friend...we've been talking to each other through this door for years...since we were kids...actually...and..."

"...and i know this my seem like a ridiculous request of me to ask of you but...i...i really need to talk to her again...just...one last time...please...i...i have to...it's...it's important."

"What has she told you?"

"er...uh...n-nothing much...j-just...uh...i uh...w-was told you like jokes!" Sans face palmed himself and growled.


"n-no...i...i know...about her...about...what she is. she didn't tell me i...i just figured it out...about a year ago now. b-but i swear i'm the only one that knows. i haven't told anyone about her. i promised her i wouldn't and i plan to keep that promise. i...i told her last night that we can't be friends anymore...to protect her...because...i know how dangerous it is out there for someone...like her. but i didn't tell her why her...condition...suddenly matters now and...that wasn't right. she...she deserves to know that-"

"Sans...you seem like a good person...but you must understand... I cannot allow what you are requesting. You claim you ended your friendship, implying that you would not return...yet here you are again. How can I be so sure that this truly is the last time? Considering your meetings have been going on for years without my knowledge...I cannot be sure."

"...fair enough...then...could you...could you tell her for me...? please...i just can't live with myself after leaving things the way i left them between us. and i don't want her spending the rest of her life...thinking it was her fault...when...when it wasn't."

"Perhaps that is the best way to leave things."


"Leaving things the way you did would give her less incentive to return."

"n-no! m-miss...miss frisk's mom...p-please! please don't let her believe that! just...just tell her it wasn't her fault! don't let her live with guilt that she shouldn't even have! she doesn't deserve that! please!"

Sans could hear something like fire on the other side of the door. "w-what are you doing!?"

"Something I should have done a long time ago."


Loud rumbling and cracking could be heard from Sans' side. Frisk's mom was up to something malevolent.

" i don't get it. what makes those ruins so dangerous anyways?"

"Well, like I said earlier...they're very old. The structures have become weak over the course of many, many years. the slightest misstep could bring all of it crumbling down on top of you."

"i'd be super careful! promise!"

"Says the boy who was about to 'blast the door down'."


"hahaha. C'mon, son. Time for bed."

"aw, what? lecture's over already?"

"Did you want another one on that sarcasm of yours?"

"nope! only joking!"

"Thought so."

The door continued to crack and the ground shook. Rocks came tumbling down from the top of the door. 



Sans fell and closed his eyes. When he opened them, he began to cough. He looked at his surroundings. The ruins door was blocked by it's right pillar, the place was covered in dust and there were small stones everywhere. He gasped and got up, running to the door. 

"no no no no no no no no no no!" He tried to pry open the door with his hands, which worked, but the rocks and boulders covered the room, which made no escape evident. Sans dropped to the ground. He sniffled and tears pricked his eyes. 

"damn it!" He punched the rock closest to him. His hand trembled, his body trembled. He covered the side of his skull with that hand as tears flowed down his face. "i'm sorry, frisk...i'm so sorry..." He sniffled again and wiped his tears. He stood up as, suddenly, he heard their secret whistle. "...wha-" He kept hearing it. "frisk!"

He looked up, to where the sound was coming from. He summoned four sharp bones and sent them flying into the stone wall.He grabbed onto the first one and began climbing. "i'm coming, frisk!"

"keep whistling!" He placed his fingers at the top of the wall, and then his arm. He pulled himself up onto the wall and whistled. "Sans! Over here!" Frisk called to him. "i'm here!" he ran to her voice. "where are you!?" 

"Down here!" He looked down into a hole of stone in the snow. "down...there!?"

"Yes! Can...can you toss me down a rope or something?" 

"h...how'd you even get down there!? has this hole always been here!? i-it's so dark!"

"Heh, nothing I'm not already pretty used to...And no, it...L-look, Sans I...i think my mom is looking for me...i-if she finds this place she'll surely destroy-"

"hold on!"

"...S-Sans? What are you-" And then again, Sans took control of her soul again, throwing her up to where he was. She gasped as they looked into each other eyes for the first time. He took her hand, ensuring that she wouldn't fall. "Sans!" 

"don't worry...i got you."


Hope you've enjoyed chapter 6! SANS SAVED FRISK FROM HER MOTHER!!!!! Comment what you thought about it!

Word count: 1151

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