Marriage is something she once dream about, she longed for a prince to come up to her tower and swept her off her feet and take her away from the lonely place, she wanted that, because she thought in marriage she might have a chance of freedom.

When she found out that she was betrothed to someone she felt happy and quiet relieve. She thought that it was alright even though she didn't know who she is going to wed as long as she get the freedom that she wanted. But her dreams soon shattered in front of her as she learns of the reality, of who she's going to marry and the nature of their marriage.

The carriage abruptly stopped almost making her fall face first, if it weren't for her father catching her. Dae looks outside the window once again and saw the horses of the knights began to be agitated, even their carriage shook, men were trying to calm the horse that was pulling their carriage.

"Father? What's going on?" She asked him looking at him worriedly, her father didn't reply, when the horses finally calmed, a knight knock on their door.

"We have arrived your grace." He announced, Dae looks at her father who's face remained stoic, he slowly let go of her and sat up straight. He didn't speak and just stare at her, his cold gaze made her feel uncomfortable. Dae looks outside once again when she heard another loud thundering sound that doesn't sound like it came from the thunder. It was something else, something that made her shiver and her guts quiver in fear.

"You remember what we have talked about in your room, am I correct?" Dae returned her gaze to her father who remained calm.

"You are to be married to King Kalisto Helios. You are to be his concubine, you will wed him as soon as you arrived at the city of kings. You will live in the sunspear Castle and will have a lavish life." Dae kept her gaze at her father, he reached for her hand and placed a vial on her palm, it was warm, very much like her father's palm.

" But you are not to spend your day there on your own free will. Make sure to climb the ladder, make sure you became close to him. Bore him a son that will be his heir, but that will not be possible unless you kill his children, the golden seeds as they like to call them." Dae stared at that vial as tears began to form in her eyes.

" Become the queen, do whatever means it is you have to do, and by that I mean kill whoever it is in your way. A single drop is as lethal as a golden vipers venom, it will be enough to kill your enemy in the spot." Her father grip her chin and tilted her head up so she was looking at him.

" Use your cunt to entice the king, make sure he lays with you... Visit his chambers as often as needed until your womb is filled with his seed and until you bore him a son with golden hair and blood and the eyes the color of a molten gold. Give him the true Golden heir, something that he desires the most."Her father's grip on her chin tightens making her wince.

" Give him as many as he wanted, when he names your son his heir... Kill him like the rest of his miserable family." Tears started to pour from her eyes and her father made the gesture of wiping her tears.

" I... I don't know if I can do this father." Before she knew it, her father's hand strike against her cheek, before he grab her by the cheeks.

" Then you will die. Or suffer a fate worst than a whore's fate in the city of flesh." Dae sobs at her father's harshness... She didn't know how to kill, she doesn't have any experience and she isn't a cruel woman to do such a thing.

"You look very much like your whore of a mother." He murmured drawing her face closer to him.

"You got everything from her... Even your eyes. Be like your mother for once, I'm sure if you showed him your cunt just like your mother did to me you will have him wrapped around your fingers." He pushed her back against her seat making her whimper, her father straighten his coat and pushed his hair back before sighing.

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