Chapter 1

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“How strange. She hasn't cried for a while now doc, aren't new born like her supposed to be crying already?” A voice gasps in surprise.

The new nurse couldn't help but stare at the new born she's currently holding. This was her first time encountering a scene like this or maybe she's just new? The doctor seems calm too maybe this wasn't really the first time that it had happened.

The nurse nodded in agreement, maybe her guesses are correct. The doctor looks at her strangely probably wondering why she's nodding her head.

'I guess the baby isn't the only one who's weird'.

Have the parents decided on a name yet?.”The doctor asked.

I'm afraid not yet.” the nurse answered without moving its gaze away from the infant she's holding. This child is surprisingly attractive, not even the word beautiful is enough to describe its remarkable beauty.

After a short while they both fell into a comfortable silent. Staring at the infant who currently has her eyes wide open and was staring deeply on her hands. That's also one of the things they're confused about, how can an infant who's literally just a few hours old open its eyes wide like that.

What's so fascinating about those hands of her’s anyway. Aside from the fact that their literally tiny there's nothing special about it’ The nurse thought.

Is that her.” a chilling and monotone voice brought them both back to reality.

The nurse turned around only to see a tall lining man standing elegantly on their back. His face were perfectly carved with it's mesmerizing purple eyes to it's ashen gray hair.

The nurse couldn't help drool, feeling grateful to witness such a gorgeous being. My eyes is blessed to witness such a gorgeous creature.

“Yes.” the doctor answered shortly and glared at the nurse who's about to pass out, women.

Give her to me. the nurse did not hesitate at all and immediately gave the child in the unknown man’s arms. Not before giving him instructions of how to hold her of course. She can't help but feel mesmerized at the two. No wonder this child is attractive.

Truly God has his favorites. And she's definitely not one of them.

How disgusting it is to think that you look exactly like me. the man thought clearly amused.

‘It looks like you didn't even got anything from that bitch of a mother of yours then, hah?.’

Have you decided on a name for the child my lord?” The doctor's voice was low yet respectful.

The man standing right in front of him is no other than Azrael Luvian Caelestis Alexander Skyler Rince Farrell the youngest son of Xavier Lorcan Atticus Jade Farrell the owner of multi-billion worths of companies and properties. Their family were considered royals. A direct descendant of the late King from the empire of Enyx. Even if I work hard for hundreds of years I won't even be close to half the wealth they own.

Leanor Ophelia Estelle Emilia Celeste Azora Richendra Farrell, that's her name. he uttered seriously.

The doctor stared at the new born who was now sleeping peacefully on his father's arm. Embracing the feeling of warmth and gentle touch of his father. The doctor couldn't help but smile.

THE BEAUTY WITHIN: THE HIDDEN HEIRESS (Reincarnated)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu