the obsesser gets more obsessed

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Sure! Here's a 5th part from Violeta's POV:

Violeta was once a fan of Chino, but her admiration soon turned into obsession. She started stalking him online, keeping tabs on his every move, and planning her encounters with him. At first, Chino seemed to like her attention, but as time went on, he became increasingly uncomfortable and distant. Violeta didn't notice or ignored his discomfort, continuing to pursue him relentlessly.

Finally, Chino couldn't take it anymore. He broke off their relationship, and Violeta was devastated. She couldn't believe that he could reject her after everything she had done for him. Violeta felt betrayed and angry, and her obsession turned into a dangerous and unhealthy obsession.

Violeta started to research Chino, trying to find out everything about him and his past. She began to have terrifying fantasies about him, imagining herself in a relationship with him where he loved her the way she loved him. Her obsession consumed her, and she didn't realize how far she had gone.

Eventually, Violeta's obsession was too much for her to handle, and she had a psychological breakdown. She was committed to a psychiatric facility, where she received help and treatment. It took a long time for her to recover, but eventually, she did. She learned to let go of her unhealthy obsession and find peace in her own life. She realized that true love is not about possession or control, but about mutual respect and acceptance.

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