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Sure! Here's a second part filled with angst:

Despite their deep love for each other, Adrien and Chino encounter several obstacles along the way that test their relationship. Adrien struggles with his responsibilities as a hero and a model, which takes a toll on his mental health. Chino, on the other hand, battles with his own demons, such as addiction and depression.

Despite their efforts to support each other, they begin to drift apart, and their relationship turns toxic. They start to have arguments and disagreements, and their love turns into resentment and bitterness.

In the midst of their turmoil, they both start flirting with other people and considering cheating on each other. They both feel guilty about it, but the temptation is too strong.

As their relationship reaches a breaking point, they both realize that they still love each other, but the pain and baggage they've accumulated is too much. They decide to break up and go their separate ways, leaving behind a trail of scars and heartbreak.

Despite the intense emotional pain they both experience, they eventually heal and learn to move on. However, the memory of their love and the grief over what they lost haunts them forever.

chino moreno x adrien Where stories live. Discover now