Or so I thought.

"Come again," the cashier called as I left, and I waved over my shoulder in answer. Zip was joyous to be free again, and I clipped his leash back on before starting down the sidewalk. Traffic had picked up while we were inside, and I pulled Zip away from the edge of the sidewalk when he tried to go out into the road.

"Hey, stay with me," I told him, adjusting my wig slightly when it shifted. He yipped and moved closer to me.

I felt a firm hand on the back of my neck and was about to shout and turn to see who it was when a dark breath blew on my ear. "Just keep on walking, take a right when we reach the corner."

I froze, even my heart stopped for a beat or two. Zip growled menacingly, but a hiss from Martin silenced my tiny dog easily.

"Move," Martin growled sharply, and I obeyed woodenly, my movements shaky and uncoordinated. My breathing was uneven and my heart raced.

'H-How did he find me?' I practically screamed in my head.

"You did a good job of hiding from me, Melina," Martin said lowly in my ear. "Of course, you could have done better, but I'm glad you didn't. We're going home."

We reached the corner and waited for the light on the crosswalk to change. I tensed, my eyes watching the cars drive by, carefree and unknowing of my situation. A small group of about five pedestrians waited on the opposite side of the street. With a sudden jolt of clarity, I saw my opportunity.

Bringing my leg up, I smashed my heel into his foot and drove my elbow into his stomach as hard as I could. When he doubled over, I rammed my knee into his nose before running across the street and to the other side. I heard a horn honk, a yelp, the screech of tires, and a shout all at once before I turned to see what had happened.

A car was stopped halfway through the crosswalk, a bundle of blond fur just in front of its right front tire. My vision tunneled and blurred as I stared numbly at the scene before me. Martin took one look at the crowd around both me and Zip, and he split. I took a step toward my dog, but a gently hand on my shoulder stopped me. I shook it off and rushed over , kneeling next to Zip and putting out a hesitant hand.

"Zip... Zip, wake up!" I called, and he twitched, whining pitifully. There was talking behind me, and the man who had driven the car got out.

"Oh, man, is he okay? I am so sorry, I didn't see him!" he apologized profusely, but I tuned him out.

"He needs to go to the vet!" his wife called from inside the vehicle.

"Come on, we'll take him there," the driver said, grabbing my attention. "What's your name?"

"Melina," I told him quietly. "My dog's name is Zip."

"Alright, Melina, we'll give you a ride there," he said, and although I know what you all must be thinking (You're getting into a stranger's car? Where's your common sense?), I agreed. He moved to lift Zip up, but I did it myself, disentangling his leash from around his neck gently.

"I'm Jason, and my wife's name is Tamara," the driver said as he opened the backseat door for me.

"Thank you," I said quietly, climbing in while holding Zip securely. He cried out every now and then, and I did my best not to let any turns jar him.

'I need to call Mattie and tell him what happened...' I thought.

Canada's POV~

I was right in the middle of my novel when my cellphone rant from its resting place on my nightstand. I grabbed it and looked at the image on the screen. It was Melina, so I accepted with a slight sense of uncertainty. 'She usually doesn't call unless she needs to...'

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