A Look At Your Friendly Neighborhood.

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Saber sighed. She looked straight into my eyes. "You wish to leave the ritual incomplete don't you? To have the masters all swear to not fight." 

I gulped. "Uhhh.. maaaaaybe? I mean we could thumbwrestle for the grail!"

"And how would that fill the magical power required to-?"

"It's a joke! But still, I mean, is your wish really super worth it? Killing other people?" I said quickly. 

"I will avoid killing Masters if I can." she said. "But you must understand, Servants are dead. We are an affront to nature itself. We should die, and remain dead. We are merely returning ghosts to their grave, Echoes to their origin." 

"An affront to nature? I don't know about that exactly, but I know I can see you, touch you, hear you and I know you feel love, joy, pain and all that." I said. "I don't think I wanna watch you die."

"I won't die, I would merely vanish." She said. "There's a difference."

"Not to me." I said. 

Saber scowled at me a little, looking frustrated. "Then you are a fool. Why do you do what you do Peter Parker? What is your title as Spider-Man? Why do you wear a mask and use this power if not for some purpose that involves risk? Especially in that outfit."

Huh, that's right. She really didn't know what the heck I did. To her I was just some weird guy who had Spider Powers and a spandex fetish. 

"Again, just reiterating, regarding the spandex, it's not a sex thing. I'm really flexible and it helps me use my powers more effectively." I said. "Also.. I mean.. if you wanna know what I do, why not just come and see?"

Saber sighed. "I intend to stay with you as is my duty, so of course." 

"Yeah, just.. I don't know.." I muttered. "If you're gonna leap around in your armor you probably need a way for people not to recognize you as we jump around.. or.."

Saber sighed and she held up something for me to see, it was a strange black ruin on the palm of her armored gauntlet. 

"uhh.. what's that?" I asked. 

"The sorcerer.. Strange." She said. "She told me you might have this issue. So long as I wear my armor, my face without my armor cannot be properly associated with my non-armored self, an enchantment of sorts."

"Oh cool! Guess that sorta solves it." I said. "Damn why can't he do the same for me-? Ah well, I think the mask has character anyways."

"So will you go now? And show me your duties as the so called Spider-Man?" Saber asked, standing up quietly. "I am ready to leave."

"No, first we're gonna have breakfast.." I said. 

Saber blinked. I noticed a slight bit of drool start to seep down the corner of her mouth. 

"W-will we have meatballs..?" She said in an almost tiny voice.

"No, but we'll probably have bacon and eggs. Come on, lets get you out of that armor so May doesn't wonder if we're going to a medieval fair or something.

5 plates. I am not joking. I don't know who she was back in the time of her legend or whatever, but this hero lady could sink in five plates of flapjacks stacked as high as a bible each.  What terrified me more was how May pretty much just stacked them on her plate like it was nothing. Apparently, finding somebody to feed that loved her cooking as much as I did was a real refreshing change of pace for my aunt. 

After all, Uncle Ben used to love asking for seconds and thirds. Though Saber was the first to ask for fourths and fifths. 

"Okay, so it's Sunday, so we got time on our hands. "I said as we left the front door after breakfast was done.  "So my normal Sunday routine starts with getting my gear ready and then a light patrol down east, and maybe a few Photography sessions in the meantime-."

"Gear?" said Saber. 

"Oh right. " I said. "The key to every great Spider hero is to have a good supply of web refills, a nice check on my Spidey-Drive, and keeping all the gadgets handy."

Fate: TotemOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz