Chapter 13: Liar

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-'ˏ Charlotte Anderson's Pov ˎ'-

╭                         ╮
Billy Hargrove's room
Wednesday , 3:33 am
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TW: Domestic violence

It doesn't take long for Billy to fall asleep. He keeps tossing and turning before his breathing slows back down.

I pick at the frayed end of the blanket and count down the minutes until dawn comes around. My mind is restless so I finally lay on my back and look around in an attempt to stop the panic that keeps creeping up. Every time I hear an unfamiliar sound I anxiously wait for the monster to attack.

Motley Crue posters are on the wall opposite of me. Random pieces of clothing litter the floor. But one oddly pristine golden picture frame looks out of place on his dresser. There is a woman in it with golden curly hair and her arms are draped over a similar looking boy with a birthday hat on. Both have huge cheesy smiles. I grin as I conclude that the boy is Billy and that must be his mother.

I'm knocked out of my train of thought when a loud gasp for air pierces the room. I quickly sit up which knocks the blanket off of me.

"Billy?" I anxiously whisper as I try to make my way towards him in the dark.

I can barely see his face as I gingerly seat myself cross legged at the end of his bed. "You okay?"

He responds with labored breathing. So I sit there and wait, not really wanting to be alone either.

"Thought I heard something." He gruffly answers. You could tell he was playing off his embarrassment.



I let the silence fall over us.

"I'd have nightmares too if I could sleep."

"Not a nightmare." He grumbles as he pushes himself off the bed. He roughly opens the window and retrieves his cigarettes. With the light from the street lamp shining in I notice he is completely shirtless with his jeans unzipped.

I tear my eyes away as he lazily pulls out his lighter and hangs out of the window.

"Why can't you sleep?" He finally asks to fill the silence.

"Monsters tend to keep you up." I joke while pulling my legs to my chest.

"Mm." Is all he responds with before putting out his cigarette.

I move to get off his bed before he stops me.

"You can sit there."

I hesitantly readjust my position as he resumes his spot. It takes everything in me to not look at him as he settles in.

"Night Charlotte." He says in a mocking tone.


When I wake up I realize the sun is out. And I just slept in Billy Hargrove's bed. His arm is thrown over his head and my leg has been thrown over his. I jerk myself back so fast that it wakes him up. I stumble out of the bed and quickly begin to throw my shoes on.

"In a rush?" He asks with his eyes still closed. "Usually girls like to stay as long as possible."

"Very funny." I retort. "My parents are going to kill me and not let me go to Nicole's birthday dinner tonight."

"Nicole. She's nice."

"Don't start." I reply flatly.

Finally he cracks open an eye to look at me as a smug look creeps onto his face. "Didn't plan on it."

"I'm going to leave now."

"Let yourself out." He replies.

I inwardly groan as I make my way to the door, feeling like a cheap date. I softly let the door shut behind me. I look up to see a huge silver deadbolt on the outside of his door. Noting how strange that was I quickly made my way to the front door praying nobody was home and letting out a huge sight of relief when I was finally outside.

I quickly clamber into my car and shove the keys into the ignition. Tapping my hands on the wheel as I drive home.

My heart races as I get out. My dads car is still parked in the driveway when he should be at work.

"Shit. Shit. Shit." I mumble as I jog across the lawn and around the side of the house. I push open my window, suddenly very thankful my house is only one story. I scramble up and push myself through.

I anxiously wait as my feet land too loudly on the hardwood floor. No one stirs so I hesitantly open my bedroom door and peer into the hallway.

With the keys still tightly gripped in my hand I sneak into the kitchen to put them away.

"Charlotte." My dad greets me as the drawer clicks shut.

"Dad." I respond while whipping around to face him.

"Long night?"

"Just got up." I lie as my heart threatens to beat out of my chest. My chest constricts so suddenly that I feel like passing out with anxiety. I try to breathe deeply.

Five things you can see. The clock on the wall, the kitchen chairs, the dining table, mail spread across the counter, and one singular beer can clutched in his hand.

Four things you can hear. The annoying click of the clock, my own heavy breathing, my shoes scuffing the floor, and his hands clenching around the beer can.

Three things you can feel. My racing heart, my too tight clothing, and my sweaty palms.

Two things you can smell. The beer can he keeps haphazardly tipping and now the smell of his laundry detergent as he walks closer.

One thing I can taste. Blood.

My ears ring after the slap I was just struck with which knocks me out of my anxiety trick.

I stumble back against the counter and stare up at him.

"You took the car and didn't come home do you think I'm stupid Charlotte?"

Just stay still and this will all be over soon.

"What were you doing huh? Out all night like a whore? With boys maybe?" He snarls as he harshly yanks my arm.

"No!" I yelp as he drags me with him down the hallway. "I didn't. I wasn't! I was with Tina." I try to explain before he throws me into my room.

"I am SICK of your constant lying!" He screams.

"I'm not lying!" I scream back.

"Stay. In. Your. Room." He closes with before slamming the door shut behind him.

A/N: I love reading yalls comments everyone is so funny or super supportive I 🫶 u guys

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