Chapter 5: Lights

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-'ˏ Charlotte Anderson's Pov ˎ'-

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Hawkins High School
Monday , 12:30 p.m
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I scrunch my nose at Carol who animatedly depicts how she and Tommy had make-up sex.

"If I have to hear one more detail, I'm killing myself." Tina states as she points her fork across the table at her.

I chuckle before picking at my salad again.

"Why aren't you eating Anderson?" Nicole asks with a laugh as she picks up my fork and makes an airplane motion like you'd do to a toddler.

"Because she's about to vomit from Carol's story!" Tina replies for me.

"Just not hungry." I say as I try to reassure her with a smile.

"She can't eat because she'd rather have something else in her mouth, like B-" Carol begins before I slap my hand across her mouth.

"Are we keeping secrets now?" Vicki asks as she places her hand over her heart dramatically.

"I don't have any secrets."

'Except for my home life which is why I am absolutely sick to my stomach right now.' I thought to myself as I pick my fork up again and force myself to take a bite.

They all watch as I try to eat, which made me feel even more nauseous.

"I'm just- I think I'm gonna go to the bathroom." I tell them as I quickly pick up my backpack and walk off.

I dumped my food into the trash as I walked past before making my way to the bathroom.

As I approached the mirror I refused to look at my reflection and risk seeing any marks. Out of sight and out of mind was my mantra for the day. I splashed cool water on my face and let myself keep my eyes closed to think. When I opened them again the lights started to flicker.

"What. The. Fuck." I whispered as I looked straight up to see the lights flickering in a unison pattern. All of a sudden the lights turned back on, causing me to grip my backpack and turn in a circle to see all of my surroundings.

A loud click was heard and I whipped my head back around to see that one singular light turned all the way off at the far end of the bathroom near the door. Then the next one flicked off, and the next one, and the next. Until there was only one left right above me.

"Fuck." I said to myself. Before it even had the chance to turn off I blindly ran to the door, screaming when the final one clicked off. I banged and pulled at the door that was suddenly locked.

"Shit, shit, shit." I said as I slammed my shoulder into it again and again.

Until finally it budged and I went flying into the hallway and landed sprawled out on the ground. I didn't even think about the pain as I scrambled up and booked it.

I blindly turned a corner and smacked into someone, causing me to stumble back and look up.

"Tommy!" I said in what almost was relief.

"Woah why are you running?" He questioned me with a hand on my shoulder.

"I- I.." I stuttered as I looked back to make sure nothing was following me.

When I turned back around he was looking at me like I had three heads. I fought for words that wouldn't make me sound crazy.

"The.. the um lights. The lights they were-" I started before trailing off.

He took one more look at me before turning to shout down the hallway. "Hey Hargrove, get over here. I think Char is having a stroke or something."

"I'm not having a stroke!" I replied baffled as I ripped myself out of his grip.

Slowly I saw Billy walk up the hallway as he quizzically looks at Tommy. "What the fuck are you talking about Tommy? Don't waste my goddamn time." He says in an irritated voice as he refuses to look at me.

"Dude, she's upset about some goddamn lights! Does that not sound insane? We should get Carol." He says nervously.

"No Tommy! The lights! They were flickering and then they turned on and then off! The DOOR was locked on me!"

"Maybe some girls were just playing a prank on you? Are you sure you're feeling okay?" Tommy asks again.

"Tommy I know what I fucking saw!" I said frustrated.

"Look man, just go. I'll handle her." Billy dismissively says as he still refuses to make eye contact.

He looks between us both before muttering something under his breath and walking down the hallway I had just ran from.

"Billy-" I start before he roughly grabs my arm and pulls me. Our arms and my shoulder knocks into each other because of his tight grip as he walks. He slams his shoulder into the door, making a loud bang as we walk outside.

"Stop talking about the goddamn lights!" He seethes as he walks closer to me so no one can hear us. "I'm not going to see some goddamn shrink because we both keep seeing lights flicker so shut. your. damn. mouth." He says very slowly.

I rip my arm away from him and rub it to ease the ache. "Fuck you Hargrove. If I want to talk about the goddamn lights, then I fucking will!" I retort before turning on my heel.

I didn't get any more than two steps away before he grabs my shoulder and forces me to face him. His other hand comes up to grip me before he lightly shakes me. "Are you fucking crazy Charlotte?" He asks. "They will stick you in a mental hospital if you keep talking about the shit we think we are seeing!"

"I don't THINK I'm seeing anything, I'm SEEING it." I reply defiantly as we stare at each other.

He lets go and moves to rub his face with both hands. "Who's going to fucking believe you?"

"I don't know. That's why I wanted to talk to you about it."

"We aren't friends Charlotte." He reminds me as he roughly pulls the door open and lets it slam shut behind him.

AN- I read every comment and yall are so sweet and supportive I love you guys 🫶 and hilarious too omg 😭

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