Ch.3|Monkey brain|

Start from the beginning

"Ha! Running away!" MK shouted " Right?" He added not so confidently

Demoness only smirked at him.

MK felt like something was touching his legs.

Before he realised he was pushed to the wall with the chains around his legs and arms.

" It's not the end" he heard the demoness voice.

All her tails were now uncover like a peacock tail. Above every eight of them there were balls of light that got bigger and bigger.

Somehow, MK knew it didn't mean nothing good...

" Oh common!" He tried to do anything with his staff but for some reason it didn't listen to his commands at all!

" What are you going to do now, Monkey Boy?" the demoness chuckled

"You'll see- AH!"- he realised

'This golden vision!'

He closed his eyes and activated his ability, when he opened them everything was in gold but... something was off.

The image he saw was completely different, but he saw one thing very clear- his opponent! (Which to his surprise was much closer than before)

'Alright, let's try this!'

Which all his strength MK held tighter his staff, an amusing golden aura was surrounding his body "I AM THE MONKIE KID" he shouted as he threw his staff on the place when golden sight showed him his opponent.


MK looked with confusion as his staff landed on some trash can far from his enemy.

Seems like his golden vision was faulty that day...

'I'm done!'

But something changed. Everything around him has started to glitch like in a broken game. A minute later everything came back to normal but there wasn't any chains around MK, there wasn't any fox demoness on the roof, there wasn't any fireballs, even the thing that MK threw wasn't his staff but some metallic tube and it was laying in front of some lady, who looked hurt.

" I'm sorry ma'am!" MK runner towards a lady " I thought you were... demon" he hesitated as he met the furious red eyes of this women

The demoness growled at the boy and pushed him away still checking her head condition

" Looks like you two had already met!"

"Monkey King!"MK shouted in surprise " Wait, why are you here?"

Monkey King jumped off of his cloud and stepped between MK and demoness, who wasn't happy at that moment...

" MK, meet Jie, my first ever demon servant!" Wukong smiled while leaning on demoness side

" WHAAAAAT?!" MK totally didn't expect that " You've got a servant?!"

His face showed a lot of admiration and Wukong liked it.

MK completely forgot that the demoness was going to kill him.

" Kid, I'm a KING of course I have a servant" At that moment Jie looked at him with despise and quickly stepped away, which made Monkey King fall on the ground

"So...." He stood up really quickly and looked at Jie with satisfaction " What do you think now about my descendant?Huh?"

He took confused MK under his shoulder and waited for demoness reaction. Which was the most scary expression MK have ever seen, though Mei also was sometimes making them. It was a scary mix of smile and burning anger that makes everyone freeze, just like now him and his mentor.

" How should I start~" Jie came closer to them and pointed a finger in front of MK's face "HOW OLD ARE YOU TO WALK INTO BLACK ALLEYS AFTER SOME FLOATING FIRE, FOUR?!- she shouted

"I'm 23..."


" it was an illusion?"


"HEY!" This time Wukong felt touched "You know that I trained my ability for a long time right?! Give a kid some time!"

" That's what is wrong, you put your power in the body of a mortal who didn't spend a single day on training, his body won't be able to make it!"

"Wait, I will explode?!" MK broke in their nervous talk

"BE QUIET!!!" The two immortals screamed at him at the same time

"I am his mentor, I am the one who says if he is worthy or not, you are just a servant!

At the last words of her master Jie felt a burn on her wrist, Wukong's words were repeating in her head, together with the other voice that she thought she already forgotten about.

"Jie, you won't be fighting MK ever again or questioning my decision about him!"

Again, a burn but this time it was stronger. Jie looked at her left hand, on the wrist there was a golden text, she knew exactly what that means... an order.

Wukong on the other hand didn't know what happened and hesitated for a moment but in a second Jie bowed before him.

"I understand, Master"her voice was emotionless and stiff "Please, forgive my rudeness"

"Just... go home"

" Alright" She stood up and cleaned her dress from dust, after making a few steps she turned back and looked at MK, who seemed to be really anxious "I know the power that you're wielding boy, use it well... and don't cause me any problems"

She disappeared leaving MK with Monkey King alone


"Are you seriously 23?"

"Are you seriously 23?"

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