Chapter One

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"A plate of guacamole omelets, two plates of blueberry pancakes, a plate of biscuit and gravy  and finally, sugar free muffins." I announced and dropped the customer's order on the table.

"Don't judge me!" He smiled before grabbing a fork. Mr Reynold loved this diner so much that it had begun to affect his weight and he had just moved into our city, Emerald Dale three months ago.

"The only people I judge Mr Reynold are my parents who brought me into this world and left me alone at a church to fend for myself in an orphanage so you're fine."

"The same goes for me. Here's your blueberry scones, Mr Reynold." Eleanor, my best friend who had now become my sister said. We were both babies when we arrived at the orphanage. My parents only left me with two hundred dollars and my name, Genevieve written on a paper under the blanket I was wrapped in. As for Eleanor, her mother was in a car accident on her way to get medicine for Eleanor's fever. They found Eleanor at home two days after her mothership death. It was only a miracle that she did not die.

"Look at the bright side guys. Graduation is tomorrow. You could move into the city and get white collar jobs. When you're successful, you'd be too busy to remember the past."

Eleanor and I looked at each other with a smile before going to serve other customers so we could close the diner early. He was right. All I wanted to do all my life was to leave Emerald Dale. It was a beautiful town with lovely people  who self righteous and who were always in your business even if they didn't intend to.

For example, when I went out on a date in high school with a boy I liked I was frowned at by some older ladies who never forgot to remind me about how I was brought into this world. Teenage Sex!

Being an Orphan in Emerald Dale, you were always reminded you came from nothing and having the people look after you by giving you free education and scholarships to the university was a gift because you would only find such kind people in Emerald Dale.

I was always an A student but whenever Eleanor and other kids at the orphanage failed in school, the town always reminded us that having good grades is our only shot in our lives to the top because we came from nothing and it would be sad for us to remain nothing because we would turn into criminals.

The story of orphans was an open book to the public. We were pitied, we were blamed whenever something was stolen when we were around the premises. All orphans had one thing in mind.

To leave Emerald Dale.

Because the town was a lovely one with people who loved to share and show kindness but they were mostly hypocrites because at the end of the day they only cared about themselves.

"That's it for the day." Eleanor picked up her hand bag from the bag hanger and we left for our small and humble apartment.

I immediately rushed into my room and opened my laptop hoping for an email from my agent. "Unfortunately!" As usual.

"Did you get the role?" Eleanor came into my room already changed into her pajamas. Yes, after a long day of working like that she never bothered showering.

"I didn't get it." I sighed and started taking off my uniform. I was really hurt. Every chance I take to leave Emerald Dale just blows away.

"But I don't get it. You are an amazing actress."

"Apparently, the casting directors don't think so."

"No, it's because you are not from the city. You are only hillbilly with talent. The only way for them to give people like us a chance is by sleeping with them. It is so unfair!"

"Eleanor. I don't want to talk about it. I'm going to take a shower." I took my towel and she trailed behind.

"No seriously, Genevieve. With grades like yours, why do you even bother? You could be a managing director of a company so why hurt yourself by doing this?"

I turned on the shower and it creaked before the water began descending. "It's called following your passion, Eleanor. Acting is my passion. My major in school was business and it was only a backup plan."

"Well, it is time to use it. Graduation is tomorrow. You and I have been used to rejection our whole life. Let's not take it into the next chapter of our lives."


"We did it, Genevieve. We are finally graduates."

"Yes!" I screamed all my frustrations out with one breath.

"Genevieve, Eleanor." Two of our classmates who were dating and came from similar backgrounds approached us with a wide smile.

"So this is it guys!"

"What do you mean this is it?" Eleanor asked, concerned from the tone. Mabel, our friend, was getting teary.

"Joshua and I are taking the next train to the city."

"Really? Oh my go-d! Wow!" I was stunned. They were more serious than Eleanor and I.

"We saved up enough money for shelter and food," Joshua started. "Our luggage has already been packed an-"

"Excuse me," A tall man in a very clean black suit approached us and removed his dark shades.

We all had one thing in mind. We all glanced at each other, swallowing hard. Between the four of us, he was someone's father. It only made sense. It was graduation. Normally, a parent who didn't know about you would come looking for you and they always meet on important days like graduations or weddings. We experienced that with our mate, Angela who left Emerald Dale during our high school graduation. We still keep in touch but not as much.

"I am looking for Eleanor Leander, also known as Eleanor Quinn."

Eleanor quivered. Even though we never showed it, we all wanted an encounter with our parents.

"Yesss! She is me. I mean, I am her."

"I am Sir Macmillan and I have been ordered to escort you to the palace, your highness!"

"Fuck!" Eleanor screamed.

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