Diary entry 28

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March 15, 2019

Hey there, dear diary!

Can you believe it's been a week since Kim Taehyung become Jeon Taehyung? I still pinch myself every morning, wondering if it's all just a sweet dream. But nope, it's real, and I'm living the happiest days of my life!

Let me tell you, being married to Taehyung is like being in a dreamland, where everything is bright, beautiful, and full of love. He makes me the happiest person in the world, and I can't help but gush about him again. Seriously, his eyes, his smile, his talks, his manners - they're all just perfect! And his humor? Oh, don't get me started! He has me laughing till my sides hurt every single day.

Our domestic life is like a sweet symphony. Mornings start with me waking up to find a peacefully sleeping Taehyung beside me. And let me tell you, he looks even more beautiful when he's asleep. I might have a little secret; sometimes, I can't resist stealing a few kisses while he's lost in dreamland. Shhh, don't tell him!

We just keep lying in the bed lazily embracing each other before staring our day or just make love first thing in the morning because hey! It's love and I can't get enough of neither this feeling nor my husband.

My husband!


It's hundredth time I accept I am going crazy.

Now, we go to the office together, and it's such a treat! Taehyung's adorable whining about me making him drive just so I can sit and admire him is the cutest thing ever. We eat lunch together and the thought that everyone knows he's mine makes my heart swell with pride.

We've become more romantic too! I love how Taehyung ruffles my hair lovingly whenever I playfully complain about him not giving me enough attention. It's such a small act, isn't it? But I don't know why I want him to do that more often so I just lay sometimes in his lap and ask him to play with my hairs as we talk.

Taehyung look even more beautiful from that angle, you know. I become the centre of his attention, he looks at me, he talks to me, he touches me and often times kiss me with my head in his lap.

God! Spare my heart please!! It can't take so much love.... I feel like I am the only person to exist for Taehyung when we are home except an evil son of a dog who snatched my husband from me every now and then.

There is not even a single moment when I can keep my hands to myself when Taehyung is around. We brush together with me hugging from behind standing in front of the mirror in washroom. I drag him into the shower with me.... I know am naughty.

So what? He is my husband!!

His whines when I take him to shower is the cutest thing ever but I know, he just acts like that while deep inside, he loves it too. We get ready for office together, prepare breakfast together, feed each other.

Oh, and let me tell you about our kitchen romance! Cooking together has become our favorite hobby. The way he sneaks glances at me while we prepare meals is enough to make my heart race faster than a Formula 1 car.

It's fun to tease him sometimes. It doesn't take much. I just roam around the house shirtless and the mission is accomplished. This little tease sometimes end up rewarding me with my husband attacking me like a hungry tiger and off to bedroom we go.

I'll admit it; I'm whipped, but I wear that title with pride! So what if people call me a "slave of the wife"? I'm a proud "slave of love," and my husband is my everything. I cherish every moment with him, and the thought of spending the rest of my life by his side fills me with joy.

Life is like a beautiful dream, and I'm the luckiest person in the universe to have Taehyung by my side. He's my rock, my love, my everything. As I wrap up this entry, I can't wait to spend many more days, months, and years with my amazing husband.

Till next time,



I feel so single 😭

They are so domestic. Ah! My poor Taekook heart!! It can't handle so much love😍😍

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