A Plane

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(Marcies POV)

tonight is last night in warm Orlando, my last night in America, my last night being Marcie Jones. So many lasts but also so many first. My first trip on an air plane, my first trip out of the country, my first room to my self. Tomorrow mom and dad had planned a "family dinner" with both sides of my new family and after serving the first meal I am to come in and join. I already accidentally outed my self to Uncle Joe. Him and mom where skyping and i accidentally walked into shot so she had to explain.

Thinking about the events that will take place tomorrow sometime between 9-10 I fell asleep.


"Up and at em' chickie" I heard Alfie say knocking on the door. I call him dad but still think of him as Alfie. I set up and look towards the wall clock hanging on the wall in my room of the sweet. 11:00.

"I up dad" I finally mumble out and he comes in and sits on the edge of my bed.

" I have already packed up our bags and Zoe ran into town to grab some food for us and clothes for you. We are meeting her at the airport so chug along." He says rambling. I try to follow along and decide its just best to start my new life with a nice warm shower.

----THE AIR PORT----

The seats are hard. The food is good. Im scared. Alfie looks towards me and realizes I'm slightly uncomfortable. He leans over and whispers into Zoe's ear and then they both look at me. I send them and awkward smile. 

"You ok Marcie-boo?" Zoe asks putting an arm around me. I instantly soften to the motherly warmth that comes from the protecting side hug.

I shrug "Ive never been on a plain...or out of the country for that matter" I tell them. My whole life ive been in group homes only been fostered once. In that whole time I've never been on vacation or had to many friends. So I spent my time reading books like Percy Jackson at a young age and my vocabulary grew at an exponential rate for an 8 year old.

"You will love Brighton and your new family." Zoe said in an almost child like voice. One thing I do enjoy about my new parents is the fact that they are both kind of free spirited and open minded. When my case worker told them more intimate parts of my past they were so accepting of what they were getting into. Since they were making an effort I should to.

"Im so excited. Thanks mom." I say and smile assuringly. I pull out The Lost Hero and start to read to calm my nerves. 

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