Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

As always, I woke up in pain and this time alone. It was the middle of the night, so obviously Hannah had to go home. I felt more alone than ever. I longed for some company, but I was truly alone. I thought about the lonely life I live.  No one around me could possibly understand what I am going through and they will most likely never understand. Sure, I have connected with other epileptics through my social media platforms, but it's not the same. I decided to just sleep.

The next few days were torture. I did tests, seized, slept, hung out with Hannah when she could visit, and ate pudding. She tried her best to lift my spirits, but it didn't work. Even Tristan and Candy came over to cheer me up. They brought a switch and we played Mario party. I won. They joked they let me win, because I was in the hospital, but I know that's not true.  I've seen Tristan on the court and candy on the field, they are way too competitive for that. I was surprised they were let in because the EMU is usually strict about visitors, but it was basically the highlight of my stay.  I was actually looking forward to going to school. Finally my mom came to pick me up on Sunday night and I was feeling great. I had new medication, I'll be fine. I hoped everyone forgot about my seizure at school, but I knew that was not the case in reality.

When I walked into school on Monday my worries were realized, whispers surrounding me. I hadn't checked my social media, much to scared of what I might see. People laughed and pointed as I made my way to my locker, it felt like those scenes where the nerd walks down the hallway in 2010 Disney shows. My eyes searched for Hannah and my other friends. Others pointed to their phones,  seeing the recognition. I quickly checked my instagram to the school's gossip page 'mhs_burn.b10g'  and saw that I had been tagged in a video. There I was. It was captioned,

Picture perfect LD turns out to be an attention seeker? Good thing he has a girlfriend, HD to feed into his lies. My god LD... can you do anything yourself? Turns out our star point guard is actually weak as fuck, I mean are we sure we want him to represent our beloved Varsity Basketball Team? He can't even make it through math class without drooling all over. And now we have Miss Varsity Cheerleading Captain, HD, defending his shenanigans? What has this school come to? Do Better, LD.

Go, Grizzlies. Stay curious.

On the ground. Hannah at my side, her hands wrapped around my fist. I hated seeing myself have a seizure, reliving it. I was bursting with rage, and I'm sure my cheeks were red with embarrassment. I finally snapped. I mean how could I not. They invaded my privacy and are humiliating me for something that's not my fault.  I stormed over to Micheal and his bitch of girlfriend. "Are you still mad about freshman year!? Is that your excuse for trying to ruin my life? If you have any tiny shred of decency, could you just not? It's none of your business anyway! Just fuck off!" I yelled, my hands balled into fists.

If you're wondering, in freshman year I was friends with Micheal and his 'gang'. Although I don't like to ever refer to them as friends, because they were never truly real friends. I just hung out with them. Maybe they suspected I was a dumb wealthy kid that they could use. Then they realized I was more work than I'm worth. When they all came over to my house for a party that I never wanted to have, I kept having auras and I asked them all to leave. He told me I needed to man-up. He then told me that whatever I was doing with my face was making him uncomfortable and that I should stop because I looked 'stupid'. My mom heard what he had said, she rushed over and ordered them all to get out of her house. Their misogynistic asses mocked her, repeating what she had said in high pitch voices, and mimicked my auras like the ableist bitches they are. How original.  Micheal then stupidly argued to my fucking mother signaled his friends to join in, and they didn't because they were probably scared, which they should be, it never ends well arguing with someone as educated as my mother. My mom then decided to call his mom and Micheal got into huge trouble. It was kind of hilarious. His mom forced him to volunteer in every town event. Like  every town event. He did stuff like help build houses, hand out food, clean up around the town. And the funniest one of all is that he was forced to go to every football game. Sounds good right? He would've thought. But he was prohibited from watching any of it. He had to sit in concessions for hours. He was supposed to be on the football team that year as well. I think I heard his mom yelling at him when he asked her if he could go home, and she said "Not until you stop being an ableist brat!" which made me laugh.

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