You belong with me.

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Taylor was sitting in her room, in front of her window, reading a book. She then looked out the window at her neighbour's house. The girl that lived next door was so beautiful and so cute. It was her best friend. Taylor was sad that she couldn't tell her that she likes her cause her best friend whose name is Y/N has a boyfriend. Taylor looked at Y/N who lived next door and she saw that she was fighting over the phone with her boyfriend. Y/N hung up the phone and looked out the window. She saw Taylor smiling sympathetically at her. Taylor wrote on her notebook with a marker.

'You ok?'

Y/N giggled and wrote on her notebook as well. She then lifted it up and showed Taylor next door.

'Tired of drama :/'

Taylor then wrote and showed her.

'Sorry :('

Y/N frowned a little.
Taylor was writing something else on her notebook but Y/N had closed her curtain.
Taylor sighed and looked at the note that said 'I love you'.

The next day..

Y/N walked into school beside Taylor. Taylor was taller than her but they didn't really care. Taylor looked down at Y/N and said.

"I gotta go to the cafeteria, hun, I'll see ya in class."
"Of course.. bye Tay!"
"Bye y/n/n!!"

Taylor walked towards the cafeteria and Y/N walked towards her locker. Suddenly, she spotted her boyfriend flirting with another girl. She walked quickly towards him angrily.

"What are you doing, Jacob?!"
"What does it look like I'm doing?"
"Uhh I don't know.. maybe flirting with this girl?!"
"Yes that's exactly what I'm doing."
"You know what, we're over, Jacob!"
"I don't care. You weren't worth my time anyway."

Jacob and the girl walked away smirking. Y/N was crying. She ran towards the bathroom and she locked herself in a bathroom stall. She sat on the floor and cried her eyes out.
Meanwhile Taylor was talking with some other girls in the cafeteria. After a minute or so the bell rang. Taylor walked into class with the other classmates and she sat on her desk which she shared with Y/N. She waited for Y/N to come and sit next to her. Minutes passed but still Y/N did not show up. The professor walked into class but Y/N still wasn't into class. Taylor got more nervous. Y/N was never late. The professor started teaching her lesson. Although Taylor wasn't paying attention. She was worried about Y/N. She raised her hand and asked.

"Miss, may I go to the bathroom?"
"Sure, Taylor go ahead."

Taylor left the classroom and walked towards the bathroom. She knew that Y/N would be there. She opened the door and she heard muffled cries coming from the first stall. She knocked on the stall door.

"W-Who's there?"
"It's me Taylor."
"O-Oh hi, Tay.."
"Hey, y/n/n, you okay?"
"Can you unlock the door for me, please?"

Y/N then unlocked the door and opened it. Taylor's heart broke when she saw Y/N's red eyes. She pulled her into a hug and she let Y/N rest her head on her chest.

"Shhh, darling.. I got you now. What happened?"
"He was a jerk, Tay.."

Y/N let her tears fall again. Taylor sighed and mumbled.

"I'm gonna fucking kill him, I swear."

Taylor rubbed Y/N's back and whispered.

"Let it all out.. it's okay."
"B-But, Tay.. we're gonna miss the class."
"I don't care about our class right now, all I care about is you."

After some minutes Y/N started to calm down. Taylor noticed that. She looked down at Y/N and cleared her throat. Y/N looked back up at Taylor.

"What's wrong?"
"Y/N, i gotta tell you something.."

Whenever Taylor used her normal name 'Y/N' it meant that she was gonna say something serious.

"Okay, I'm listening."
"Y/N, ever since the first day I met you I've liked you. You're such a beautiful and smart girl. You are one of the best people I've ever met. You and your kindness just make me so happy. You're a sweetheart, you know that? You're a very bright and cute person. What I'm trying to say is that.. I love you, Y/N."

Y/N's cheeks turned red. She was really touched by Taylor's words.

"W-Wait, really?"
"Yeah.. I don't want anything to get weird between us. I just wanted to tell you."
"I love you too, Taylor. And I don't mean it in just a friendly way."

Taylor blushed lightly and caressed Y/N's cheek.

"Can I kiss you, Y/N?"
"I-.. Yes!"

Y/N's excitement made Taylor chuckle. She got excited as well. She leaned in a little closer and she gave her a soft but deep kiss on the lips. Y/N didn't hesitate and she kissed back. After the kiss they looked at eachother's eyes smiling. Taylor wiped the tears off of Y/N's eyes with her thumb.

"Be my girlfriend, y/n/n?"
"Oh my god, yes I wanna be your girlfriend!"
"I promise I won't hurt you or treat you like shit. Your ex is a jerk."
"I agree."

Taylor took Y/N's hand and pulled her close to her.

"Can I show you something before we go to class?"
"Sure, Taylor.."

Taylor pulled out a folded paper. She unfolded it and it was the note from last night. She showed it to Y/N.
'i love you'
Y/N blushed again. She pulled out a folded paper of her own and she unfolded it too. She then showed it to Taylor.
'I love you.'

Taylor smiled warmly at Y/N. Y/N smiled back at her.
Taylor took Y/N's hand again and they both walked out of the bathroom.

"Let's go to class now, hun."
"Yep let's go."

(A/N: I never thought I would actually publish a book but here I am. Anyway I know this is terrible but I'm trying my best. Btw I take requests!)

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