The Yellow one

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After transporting to the Namco Universe, Our two heroes Sonic and Mega man would witness the pac village surrounding around their big tree that kept spooky prisoner for years. Sonic and Mega man are looking for this universe's hero but all they can remember that in the picture it would show just a round figure with arms and legs only, and every citizen in Pac Village is rounded with only arms and legs.

"Mega man, what if we ask one of those....Cheese people on who is their hero?" Said Sonic. Mega Man quickly shakes his head no as he didn't like that plan at all "No! Sonic look at them, their presence is different than ours...Well your presence is different than mines as well. Don't you think they will freak out?"

Sonic shrugs "we will never know that if we do it, Just watch" Sonic quickly dashed through the whole pac civilians and ran on top of the tree, to catch everyone's attention "Ladies and Gentle...things, May I have you attention!" Sonic waves his arms around, catching every single pac civilians attention. Mega man facepalm, hoping whatever sonic is thinking will work.

"Who is this mysterious being?" Said a Female Pac civilian

"He ran through us so quickly, we didn't even see him" said another Pac Civilian.

The Pac civilians will start to chat with each other as they are discussing about sonic, Sonic will look down at everyone as he scratches the back of his head "uh...Okay, I just wanna know. Who here in this village is your hero?" Asked sonic.

Every pac civilian will look back at Sonic as they all say "Pac-Man"

Mega man will walk over to the crowd "um excuse me" said Mega man, catching every pac civilians attention.

"Well you look at that, who are these creatures? And what do they want with Pac-Man?" Said another Pac Civilian

"They must be working for the Ghost gang...I say we attack them!" Shouted another Pac Civilian where everyone agrees.

"Uh oh..." Sonic quickly hops down from the tree and runs over to Mega Man, Mega Man backs up a bit as the pac civilians started to invade their privacy. "I told you they would react like this!" Said Mega man.

"STOP!" Shouted a voice of a Elderly citizen, The citizen would have a white mustache and a Graduation Cap on. Every Pac Civilian will look at him.

"Professor Pac, you know these things?" Said another pac citizen. Professor Pac walks to Mega man and Sonic as he takes a closer look at them "know? I Learned about them, Please you two follow me." Professor pac will start walking to his home as Sonic and Mega man followed him. Sonic will look at the Pac Civilians "what a proper way to greet your guest" said Sonic as he gets pulled by Mega man.

As Professor pac welcomes Sonic and Mega man to his home, the generous professor will grab two chairs for them "please take a seat, Sonic and Mega man". Both of theme where shocked after Professor Pac knows their names.

"Hang on...You know us?! How?!" Said Mega man as he sits down. Sonic will sit down next to Mega Man, as the two watch Professor Pac grab a dusty book from his book shelf, and blows on it to knock the dust off. While both Sonic and Mega man watch him, Professor Pac will open up the book and shows them the same picture that shows Sonic, Mega man, and the other two heroes.

"Huh?! It's that picture?! did you get it?" Asked sonic, Professor pac chuckles as places the book on his table "Here in Namco, we deal with so much magical, and mysterious situations. I always have books that resolves problems in our universe." Said Professor Pac.

"Sizzling circuits....that is amazing, so you know about me and sonic, is there anything else you know about us?" Mega man wanted to know if Professor Pac has more info about their situation. Professor Pac will grab the book again and opens it up "Not about you, but I can say they you two are here to find out hero of Pac World, Pac-Man. But why is that?" Questioned Pac-Man.

"Basically our enemies are looking all four pieces of the plus that is shown in that picture, that grants Infinite power to those who helds it. So, our enemies are trying to recruit Namco's enemy and Nintendo's enemy to create this big bad guy team." Said Sonic. Professor pac will gulp as he gave a worried look.

"Oh dear...This is bad...very bad for our universes...." Said Professor Pac. Mega man will get up from the chair "don't worry Professor, we will stop them...but can you tell us where Pac-Man is" Said Mega Man.

However, Professor Pac didn't answer that "you two need to stop them before they bring all four pieces of the plus together!" Said Professor Pac. Sonic raises an eye as he didn't understand "uh...We know that, we don't want them to get infinite power" said sonic.

"No! That's not it, you two have no idea what the plus can do if all four pieces come together!" Professor pac was very scared as Megaman was so confused on what he is saying.

"Yes we do...Or does that book say..." Mega man will stop in mid sentence as Professor Pac quickly turns the pages over of book, until he finds one specific page that explains the history of the plus.

"You two need to hear this....but Eons ago, Four mysterious beings lived in one universe, One being a Toad, an Owl, a Robot, and finally a Pac. The four were Gods, but they all want to start on their own world with their own civilization. The god's are named...Nintendo, Sega, Capcom, and Namco, and they started to make their own the same universe. They noticed that everything was a disaster and they couldn't keep all of their creations in one universe, so what did they do? They created The Plus, a symbol with four sides that is powered with each of their own blood. When The plus was made, everything was still the same...Until Nintendo decided to brake the plus in four pieces, causing all four of their worlds separated, making them have their own universe. Years later, In Namco's Universe, a good wizard named Wizard pac discovered a piece of the plus and decided to know it's secrets. He found out the history of the Plus, but he also found out the great big consequences! If all four pieces of the plus come together, all four universes would collide again, buildings, people, and everything will pile up in one world, making a big disaster all over again! That was until he saw the future, these four universes would have their own heroes. A Red plumber who saves many kingdoms and the hero of the Nintendo Universe, Mario. A blue Hedgehog with amazing speed and the Hero of the Sega universe, Sonic. A blue fighting  Robot with amazing abilities and the hero of the Capcom universe, Mega Man. And finally Pac-Man, the yellow7 ghost chomper and the hero of the Namco Universe. Wizard pac quickly wrote an entire book about this, and he had to warn the other three universes if someone bothered to interfere. He send three pictures of the four heroes with the whole story of the plus on the back...But that was ten thousand years ago....The three pictures he sent to your world's must be old...and the words of the story must be faded away..." Said Professor pac.

Both Sonic and Mega man's eyes were widen as they were completely amazed of this, but again they both feeled pressured. "Our worlds will clash into one!? Sizzling circuits....with all four worlds with trillions of people each....imagine all those people in one world...and buildings....We have to go and find Pac-Man quick! Professor pac please tell us where Pac-Man is!" Said Mega man as he is in a hurry.

"I'm right here" said a Pac civilian with Orange gloves and red boots. Sonic and Mega man look at the one and only Pac-Man who just walked in Professor pac's house.

"Hey Professor, what's with all those pac's outside of your house? And who are these two fellas? Never seen them in my life before" said Pac-Man. Professor Pac walked up to Pac-Man and hands him the Book "Pac-Man...You need to go with these two, remember the story I told you about our universe's history?"

Pac-Man will scratch his head "uh..Yea? Why do you ask?" Asked Pac-Man.

Sonic quickly got up from his seat "well whatever he told you, is happening right now and we gotta stop our enemies right now! Before is too late!". Pac-Man took a minute to remember, as he looks at the book and finally remembers "Wait...Oh!...Wait so these two are...Sonic and Mega man?..." Pac-Man will walk over to them as he gives them a big smile.

"Yes, It's nice to meet you Pac-Man but we have to go and find this Mario in Nintendo and tell him everything" Mega Man will start to activate his Universe traveling program. Pac-Man will nod, Professor Pac will give Pac-Man the book "you three, Take the book with you and tell everything to Mario once you find him. We cannot allow our worlds collide, and we cannot allow our enemies to grab those four pieces."  Said Professor Pac.

Sonic will nod, Pac-Man will Nod, and Mega Man will nod as well as he shoots out the portal "Next stop...Nintendo" said Mega Man.

When worlds Collide ( Mario x Sonic x Mega Man x Pac-Man)Where stories live. Discover now