Season 1: Chapter 8 - A Past That Remains

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Aryan is standing across the street staring at the fiery mess that used to be the diner. He has his mouth slightly open with a sympathetic expression on his face. 

The sounds of sirens snap him out of his thoughts before he goes running off.

An eight-year-old girl and a twelve-year-old boy come running into a grocery store. The little girl is wearing a necklace with an amethyst pendant. And they're being followed in by an older guy and woman. 

The boy and girl spot and go wandering over to a shelf full of candy. 

Girl: Can we get candy? Please? Please? Please? 

Boy: Yeah, we've been good all week. I think we deserve it. 

Guy: You think so, huh? What do you think, honey?

Woman: I think they're right. But you just have to wait until after we have everything else. You two think you can be good until then? 

The boy and girl look at each other excitedly before looking back at their parents, nodding furiously. 

Woman: Then it's a deal. 

The guy is smiling, nodding his head. 

Guy: And to make it go faster for you, we'll split up. I'll go get the cake that Gyoe ordered. 

Woman: Sounds good. We'll take care of the rest. 

The guy goes walking off while the woman and the kids go walking down an aisle. 

Woman: Convenient that almost everything else we need is in the same aisle. 

Girl: What do we need in here? 

Woman: Paper plates, napkins, plastic knives and forks. 

Boy: All of it's for our cousin's birthday? 

Woman: That's right. John is turning 18 and is deciding to leave to join the Ecto Agency. 

Girl: What's that? 

Woman: It's a place where he can learn to help people. I know he'll do great things there. 

Boy: Our cousin is going to be a hero? 

Woman: Yeah... in a way. But we don't have to worry about that right now. All we have to worry about is making sure this party for him is special. 

Boy: Right! We'll go get the other things. Come on, sis. 

Girl: Let's go!

The woman is picking up the napkins as the boy and girl come running up with the plates and plastic knives and forks. 

Girl: We got them, mommy! 

Woman: Good job, you two. Now let's go find your father. 

They go to exit the aisle when a gunshot rings out. 

Girl: Mommy, what was that?

She hands the boy the napkins, which he takes. 

Woman: I'm going to go look at what that was. You two need to stay here. Don't come out no matter what you hear. Got it? 

Boy: But... mom...

Woman: No. You two need to be strong right now. Caleb, please watch your sister. 

He nods. 

The woman goes rushing out of the aisle, followed by another gunshot a few seconds later. The girl flinches before tears start forming in her eyes. 

Girl: I'm scared. 

The boy wraps her in his arms. 

Caleb: I know. I am, too. But remember what mom said. We have to be strong. 

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