I didn't want to talk about anything. I just wanted to be here, with her, in a moment that I thought might not happen again.

'I don't know why this feels so right.' Taylor broke the silence as we looked into each others eyes.

'I know what you mean...' I wasn't going to lie, as much as there was a part of me that wanted to just so I didn't get myself in too deep, I couldn't.

'I feel like I've known you my whole life, like I could talk to you about anything and you wouldn't judge me.' She looked nervous at her own words, like it would somehow scare me off.

'I don't know what this is, or what it might be, but I know is that I hate the fact that I haven't been able to talk to you all the time. I hate the fact that I only get to see you for a couple hours a day...and no matter what I do...I can't seem to get you out of my head.' This seemed like the perfect time as any to pour my heart on my sleeve.

'You know...before we met I had a hole in my life that I thought was Sophie's to fill, but then you came along and now when I'm not with you, that hole feels empty again. I want to talk about you all the time, to everyone, but I can't so everything about you just builds up inside.'

The fact that she said she couldn't talk about me made my heart sink a little. It made me realise how truly difficult this situation is, and the fact that I didn't want to talk about it, not when this moment feels too perfect to break.

'You should get some rest, we can talk more tomorrow.' I sat up and slipped on my t shirt before I felt her hand grab my arm gently.

'Are you staying here...with me?' There was a strong part of me that knew the right thing was to take the sofa, but also a part of me that thought my sleeping in my bed with her wouldn't be the most detrimental thing we did tonight.

'Yeah..I just need to use the bathroom.' She nodded as she released her hand from my arm. I put a new pair of panties on from my drawer and headed to the bathroom. I went to the toilet even though I didn't really need it. I just needed a moment to myself, wondering what the fuck I was going to do next.

I headed back out of the bathroom to see Taylor had slipped my t shirt back on and was already asleep in my bed. It was as if all of my questions had been answered in that moment, like everything had fallen into place and this was right where I was supposed to be.

Taylor's POV

I stirred as my eyes began to open slowly and take in my unfamiliar surroundings. It took a moment for me to adjust to the light sneaking in through the gaps in the blinds. What time is it? I flipped over in the bed to find Demi still asleep next to me. Shit. I can't remember too much from last night whilst I was at the party, I mainly remember what happened after. I briefly remember being on the floor in one of Rachel's bedrooms, then I thought I saw Demi but I also thought my mind was playing tricks on me. Then I remember being back here, I presume her apartment. Then we...you know...I remember that. Except I had no idea how she was going to feel about it when she woke up. Was she going to kick me out? Tell me it was a mistake? Fuck. I remember pouring part of my heart out to her, and I'm sure all she responded with was 'get some sleep' (or something like that) so now I feel stupid and embarrassed, I don't really remember her saying anything else.

I looked around to find my phone but could only find what I presumed was Demi's on the bedside table.

12.07pm. What the hell? How did we sleep in so late?

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