Chapter 26 - A Moment of Peace and a Desperate Plan

Start from the beginning

I tense at her words, my hand still on the door handle. I glared at Enchantress, not wanting to believe her words but at the same time unable to ignore the worry that crept up inside me. 

Was there a chance that this stranger really did know something about my daughters? 

I shook my head, trying to rid myself of the doubts, but they persisted, nagging at me.

I swear under my breath as I let go of the door handle and vamp off in the direction the man had disappear in.

Enchantress trails behind me, her laughter ringing in my ears but I ignore her, focusing on my surroundings instead. 

Enchantress follows me as I track down the man. I can hear his footsteps growing fainter as he moves farther away, but I refuse to give up. I need to know what he knows about my daughters.

We finally catch up to him in a secluded area of the rest stop. He's on the phone again, looking over his shoulder every few seconds as if he's being followed. 

When he sees me, his eyes widen in fear and he hangs up the phone, shoving it into his pocket.

"What do you know?" I demand, stepping closer to him.

"I don't know anything ," he stammers, trying to move back away from me.

I step forward, my eyes narrowing as I grab him by the collar of his shirt, pulling him closer to me.

"Don't lie to me," I growl, my voice low and menacing. "I know you know something about my daughters."

He seems confused by my statement and starts to struggle against my hold.

"I don't know you or your daughters. You are crazy, lady." He says as he struggles harder against my hold.

I tighten my grip on his collar, refusing to let him go. 

Enchantress speaks from behind me, "He's lying! He won't tell you anything anyway. Just kill him!"

I turn my head to look at Enchantress, the darkness in her eyes both beckoning and repelling me. I don't want to play into her hands but for once she is right either way, he knows something now.

I have made him a liability.

I can feel my vampire eyes start to show as I look at the freaked-out guy in front of me. Enchantress steps closer to me, her hand resting on my shoulder. 

"Do it," she whispers in my ear. "End him. He's of no use to us anymore."

I extended my fangs before biting into his neck draining him dry but drinking from him sloppily. He becomes limp in my hands and I let go of his dead body, my breathing heavy as I stare at him as my lust for more blood rages inside of me. 

I am interrupted when more people come out the back of the shop. They look between me and the dead body in shock.

Enchantress steps forward, her voice calm and smooth. "No witnesses."

I don't need any more persuasion with my bloodlust already guiding my actions, I vamp over to them, using my magic to keep them from running away.

I can see the fear in their eyes as they stand there frozen.

Enchantress is right, we can't leave any witnesses.

I pull two of them closer to me and the scent of their blood makes my fangs ache. 

Enchantress nods at me approvingly as I sink my fangs into one of their necks, draining him quickly. 

The other screams in horror, trying to break free from my grip, but I hold her tight.  I can feel the rush from the blood coursing through my veins as I drink him dry, and I feel more alive.

The Enchantress² | N + E MikaelsonWhere stories live. Discover now