The Law of The Land

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Eleanor was a bit nervous coming all the way out here. Far away from the home she knew in Midgand.

But she was assigned to go to the small outskirts village because of a recent Deamon who had applied for a Live Permit. In addition, being informed the new laws that once 3 or more Deamons inhabit an area more Praetors must attend the area. Just in case if things go awry not wanting it to be overwhelmed.

Eleanor questioned if there were already two Deamons out there, why didn't this village have another Praetor looking after one each? Why did they only assign 1 praetor to watch 2 Deamons?- Eleanor thought and voiced. Only to get back a response of " our resources are stretched thin, and Artorius is a Legate so there is no need for worry." Since Legate's are the top Exorcists who are very strong and skilled.

Artorius even had requested that they do not send another exorcist because he could handle it here. So, Eleanor was given a choice to either go or stay. She knew his reputation among the Abbey. He's considered the top Legate. But she chose to go, thinking that Artorius is a well known Legate and surely he is skilled and strong but that maybe he needs some help in maintaining the order over there. Just not feeling right if she left him by himself over there. So she left.

So far Eleanor's heard that the two Deamons that live there are pretty obedient to the Abbey. Where they give their 50% of Gald fee for being a Deamon. They don't bother the townsfolk. And stay mostly to themselves, which Eleanor thought was great. Their jobs supposedly is one is a farmer while the other is a fisherman (*cough! We know that's not true! *cough). However, she didn't know anything about this Deamon named Kamoana who had applied for a Live Permit. For all she knows she could be a raging monster that's a killer. But that's why she's coming to do an evaluation to see if she is allowed to get one or not.

Currently looking at the hand mirror her mother gave her before she had passed away from a Deamon attack. Eleanor cringed, as she felt this hatred in her heart towards Deamons and believes that they should all be wiped off the face of the earth.

" they're just monsters..." Eleanor muttered. As she knew she shouldn't let her feelings determine bias the evaluation. But.. she sure as hell isn't gonna make it easy for them that's for sure.

By the time she arrived at port. Artorius was there to greet her. She asked him if there was any advice he'd give her but he just smiled and said " use your own intuition." Purposely not influencing her. Than told her the direction where this Deamon would be.


Laphicet: " ok Kamoana! One more time!" Practicing with her for the evaluation.

" I'm Kamoana! And I'm a Greed Deamon! I promise I won't do bad! I won't kill or hurt anyone! And I'll obey the Abbey's laws! I want to be a farmer and fisherman when I grow up! I promise I'll give 50% of my Gald earnings to the Live Permit collectors. I promise I will obey and listen to whatever order my assigned Praetor wants me to do as long as it is in reason with the Abbey's laws." Kamoana spoke, as she and Laphicet, and Velvet, and Magilou, and Bienfu worked on this script for her to say.

" how's that?" Kamoana asked, nervously.

" it's great!" Laphicet said, as Velvet commented " it's ok... but I think we should add in a little personality like who you are to make them like you more" as Bienfu agreed saying " yeah! Like tell them even though your super greedy Deamon you still like to share kinda"

" yeah!" Kamoana said, as Magilou had the thinking pose and said " are you sure? I mean I think that's pretty good already. Adding something about you could mess up the scoring." As she had evaluated some Deamons during her days working as an Legate exorcist. Yes, Magilou did achieve the high of the ranking career but... you know...

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