Chapter 4: Tricked

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"This was a bad idea" i mumbled to myself thinking no one could hear me but Bill did. Bill looked at me and then turned to Tom.
"Tom!" he shouted impatiently and the girl immediately turned her head. Tom leaned his head to the side and looked at Bill.
"Yeah? what's up?" he said calmly, wiping his mouth with the back of his hand. He slightly shoved the girl to the side and she got off him and put her shoes on and adjusted her skirt before looking at me. I kept a straight face as i thought she was going to be one of them rude groupies but she smiled at me and walked past me and said, "i'm a big fan of you" before jogging out the door and closing it.

"Why is she in my room" Tom hissed, anger and confusion in his voice.
"Because we need to talk about something" Bill replied putting his hands on his hips.
"Okay that's fine, but why is she here in my room?" He asked impatiently. I screwed my face up at him before looking at Georg.
"We've found a solution to our issue" Bill said leaning against the chest of drawers on the side.
"That doesn't answer my question but okay" Tom said, sitting himself up.
"Just shut up and listen will you " Georg grunted as he flopped down at the bottom of Tom's bed, putting his arm over his head laying down.
"Go on" Tom said to Bill.
"Well, for our rep to go up, we have made a plan for you to have a girlfriend" Bill spoke with excitement and Tom laughed. He laughed as if he was saying 'that's not possible'. Bill then pointed to me and said, "and that girl, is going to be Sydney" in a prideful tone.

Tom's smug look was quickly wiped off his face as soon as he heard my name.
"No fucking way, Bill" he said standing up, "are you crazy?!" he looked mad.
"She's already agreed to it!" Bill said lifting his hands. I looked at him confused. I thought he already knew.
"Why do you always do this Bill?" he shrieked, pointing at bill, "You always make decisions behind my back without telling me!" he turned his head and sighed.
"I'm sorry what?" i said in confusion causing all four of them to look at me, "you didn't know?" i looked at Tom and he shook is head.

"You told me he knew!" i shouted in disbelief, pointing at Gustav. Gustav immediately threw his hands in the air.
"Uhh, those were not my exact words" he said defensively.
" 'It was his idea!' " i said mocking his voice, "those were your exact words" i followed speaking normally. Gustav put his head down and stepped back.
"I am not doing this with her!" Tom said turning back to look at all of us, "find someone else and i'll happily do it"
"No Tom please" Bill pleaded.
"Fuck no, i don't want to be anywhere near her" he said pointing at me.
"And you think i want to be near you?" i questioned, giving him a dirty look.
"Well, you agreed to it so, it seems that way" he replied sarcastically.
"Oh my God, you are so full of yourself!" i scoffed.

Tom and I went back and forth for a good 5 minutes. He just irritated me so much, he had my blood boiling and i'm pretty sure i had his too just by the look on his face. Bill tried intervening a few times but that just made us shout even more until finally Georg stepped in.
"OH MY GOD WILL YOU BOTH JUST SHUT THE FUCK UP ALREADY?!" he shouted causing us to go silent and look at him. He sat up and rubbed his head.
"Put your bullshit behind you and just do this" he said looking at both of us, "Tom we're in this mess because of you so, you don't really have a leg to stand on and Sydney, you already agreed to it so there's no going back"

I rolled my eyes and leant against the wall.
"But why her" Tom questioned, leaning back on the windowsill.
"Because we can trust her" Bill said calmly as he looked at me and gave me a small smile. I smiled back at him.
"She also needs this too" Gustav said, sitting down on a chair.
"Not my problem she sleeps around..." Tom mumbled before raising his eyebrows and looking down.
"You fucking cunt!" i shouted, standing upright.
"Tom shut up!" Georg hissed, "and you calm down" he looked at me.
"Tom please, we really need this." Bill said softly, sitting himself down on the bed looking at Tom. Tom looked at Bill before looking me up and down and rolling his eyes and sighing.
"You owe me big time" he said and Bill hugged him tightly.

"Thank you!" Bill said, happiness filling his voice. Bill then came over to me and hugged me again. I hugged him back and smiled.
"So let's go over how this will work" he said, "Tom sit sown" he said and Tom went over and sat on his bed, "Syd come, sit down" he gestured to the bed.
"She isn't sitting on my bed" Tom said before Georg gave him a death stare.
"I'm good where i am" i said leaning back on the wall.
"Please" Be pleaded. I rolled my eyes and sat down. Tom looked at me before moving further away from me and i just gave him another dirty look.
"Can we make this quick please, i have a premiere to go to tomorrow" I said, adjusting my necklace.

"Yes okay so, you two will be in a 'relationship' and whenever you see paparazzi or fans all you have to do is act like a couple". Tom and i looked at each other before looking back at the others.
"What about interviews? when we get questioned on it" Tom said and Bill looked over to Tom.
"Then you answer it and really sell that your together" he said, "this is just until we all get back on track and then you can both go back to hating each other." he laughed a little.
"If she doesn't mess it up, like she does with everything" Tom said in a smug tone.
"Oh bite me" i replied, rolling my eyes.
"Guys come on, please" Bill said in impatience.
"Sorry" I said and Bill smiled.
"You said you have a premiere tomorrow?" Bill questioned.
"Yeah, for the movie i just filmed" i said, leaning back on the headboard.
"Can we come?" Gustav said in excitement.
"Yeah, of course" i laughed and he smiled.
"Great! so this can start from tomorrow then!" Bill said happily before standing up.
"Yay..." i said sarcastically before standing up and walking over to the door.
"I'm gonna head to my room, I'll see you guys tomorrow" i said opening the door. They all said bye and i walked out.

Bill quickly ran after me and hugged me.
"Thank you for agreeing to do this, Sydney, it means a lot to us" he said with a smile, still hugging me.
"I always have your back, you know that" i smiled as i pulled away from the hug. The elevator pinged and i walked inside.
"Hey where's your room?" he asked.
"Room 406, two floors up" i yawned.
"Okay, i'll come to your room in the morning, Night Syd, and thank you again!" he shouted as the elevator doors closed and i just smiled.

I got up to my floor and walked into my room. I took off my jeans and threw on a pair of shorts, tied up my hair and threw myself onto my bed. I needed to sleep. Today really stressed me out.

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