[Earth-centric] Headache

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-EDIT: I have watched the preview of Earth Alone on Patreon, and it was obvious that any of this has an extremely low chance to be happening..

-This was written before the release of "Earth Alone."

-A fictional continuation to "Venus vs. Mars."

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"What am I doing wrong?!"

Earth exclaimed into the vastness of space in disdain, with Venus floating away.

He shuts his eyes close for a minute, his breaths a bit shallow as he did so.

Earth couldn't utter a single word in that timespan. His mind was buzzing still from the recent events that had happened.

He's alone now.

The eyes of the planet opened, mentally hoping someone was in front of him with a positive intention.

Unfortunately, the spark of hope in Earth's eyes vanished the moment he saw nothing but the darkness with blobs of light from stars light years away.

Earth's (non-existent) eyebrows furrowed, but not in anger, in sadness.

He looked down and saw a similar view.

The ones that put up with his arrogance have left, leaving him in silence.

Earth's lips curled into a frown.

What did he do wrong? He only tried to get Mars' friendship back..

"Ack!" Earth grunted, feeling a minor headache. He grits his teeth lightly, closing his eyes along with the pain.

The buzzing in his head just merged into a headache, how great..

Moments began to echo within the walls of his mind.

"Look, best case scenario: Venus and Mars fight amongst themselves to be my friend." Earth looks on towards the mentioned planets who were currently glaring at each other.

"Worst case scenario," Mercury suddenly spoke, facing towards the same direction Earth is glancing at too. "You lose all your friends."

Earth's eyes widens in terror at the statement as he obviously doesn't find that pleasing to occur.

Though, he scoffs. "Ha! That's not gonna' happen." He turns his face towards Mercury.

Well, little did he know, it did. Mercury was correct all along.

Earth shook his head, ignoring the pulsing ache in his head.

"I'm Earth. The special planet with life!" He pridefully yells to nothing in particular, forcing himself to say it out loud with a smile.

Until that damned pain surged throughout his head again.

"-At a minimum of 1.4 billion planets potentially like you in our galaxy, Earth." Jupiter estimated, glancing towards Earth

Earth looked at Mars and him in light shock, blinking slowly.. "But I-"

Earth's eyes opened in an instant, letting out a gasp as he did so.

He remembers that moment loud and clear..

In despair, his eyelids covered his sight again, as he took time to feel his surface. He could hear noises everywhere, small pinches of pain. His beings were thriving happily.

"So.. I'm not the only one who feels this on me?" Earth murmurs to himself, his lips dropped to a bigger frown.

"I'm not the only one who feels and hears my earthlings live on me?" He added.

The silence felt like it was drowning him. No

"I'm Earth.. and.. and.."

What did he do wrong?

"Moons should know their place!" Earth exclaimed.

Titan's eyes widened.

"Venus-lings.. pfft!" He snickered, floating away obliviously.

It was impossible for a hell world like Venus to have life, right?

Venus bit his lip as he trembled in anger and sadness.

"Oh, he's just being a baby!" Earth shrugs it off, interrupting Mars' question.

"I'm not! That really hurt!" Moon huffs and turns towards the red planet's direction. He shuts his eyes in grumpiness.. and pain from the impact.

"I..." Earth whimpered, allowing himself to see again.

Was he really that cruel?

Earth looked off into the nothingness of space. A tight, trapping feeling clenched his insides.

He didn't know if it was actually a feeling or if it was actually just his earthlings doing something again.

The headache continued still.

It hurts.

It hurts.

It hurts.

* * *

"Hahaha.. hahaha.." Earth laughed dryly and with almost no energy at all.

He couldn't remember what he did just now.

His mind.. just felt so empty..

Except for that headache.

"Why can't this stupid headache end already.." He groaned in misery, his breathing feeling weak. His smile remained on him.

Dark circles have appeared under his eyes.

It must've been a while now. Yet, it feels like time was going.. fast.

Suddenly, he felt a presence lurk near him.

He turned around..

He turned around

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-Photo is a sneak peak for an upcoming episode.

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