"I'm going home for a bit," Endeavour informed them. "I'll leave the patrols to you."


Earlier that evening, after Miyuki, Izuku, Shoto, and Katsuki returned from their daily patrol, the half-and-half girl went straight up to her room. Her muscles ached as she walked and she let out a soft yawn as soon as the door closed behind her, the fatigue of running up and down through Tokyo trying to catch a vandal finally taking its effect on her as she readied herself to take a shower.

Miyuki let out a quiet sigh, feeling the tension in her muscles dissipate slowly as the warm water cascaded over her. She ran a hand through her hair, grateful for the relief to her scalp as the headache that had been coming on melted away. Once she was done, Miyuki went back into her room wrapped in a cotton towel. She was glad she brought it with her as the wintery draft brushed over her, causing her to shiver slightly as she began putting on her grey hoodie and black trousers for the night.

It's cooler than usual today, she noticed, looking outside her window and she smiled softly when she saw light showers of snow falling from the night sky.

She hoped the boys were taking this time to relax a bit more, too, she thought as she lay down on her bed. She exhaled quietly, allowing the fatigue to fully take over her as she closed her eyes. But a minute didn't even pass before there came a knock at her door. They flew open and her eyes drifted to the door, wondering who could be there at this hour of the evening.

"I'll be right there," she responded, a small yawn passing from her lips as she got up and walked to the door. She opened it and her face morphed into one of quiet surprise when she met a pair of vermillion eyes. "Oh, Katsuki! Is everything alright?"

"Yeah," he answered, rubbing the back of his head. Miyuki looked at him curiously when his cheeks coloured a soft pink. "Are you busy right now?" Miyuki shook her head. He averted his gaze from hers, his palms becoming sweatier. "Then, let's... go do something. Together."

"You want us to... hang out?" Miyuki asked, her tone filled with surprise, her eyes widening as she blushed. "Just the two of us... Alone?"

"Don't sound so surprised," Katsuki told her, his face turning an even darker red when her lips stretched into that smile he enjoyed seeing so much, and his heart beat picked up the longer he stared at her. "It's what two people who've reached a certain point in their relationship do with each other. C-Call it what you want, but...!"

"Ah," Miyuki said, closing her eyes as her smile widened. She reached out and took his hand, giving it a gentle squeeze as she stepped past the threshold of her door. "I see..." Blushing harder, she leaned forward and placed a kiss on his cheek, causing his eyes to widen at the gesture. "I would like that a lot. Let's do it!"

He squeezed her hand gently, her soft apple scent filling his nose as she pulled back and he was pulled back to the moment a few days ago when he kissed her - his first kiss. Probably hers, too. It beat all his expectations - if only for one thing, and that was the fact that he wished he'd gone more prepared to actually do it. Maybe then it would've lasted longer. Even so, it was an experience with her he didn't want to forget. It was their starting point. The beginning of this part of their journey with each other...

It made him excited for the future and what was to come for them both.

"Then, we'll -" Katsuki started, turning to go down the corridor with the half-and-half girl but paused, groaning internally when he saw Izuku making his way towards them, a weird box under his arm.

Hikari: 『Volume 2 - Omakes』Where stories live. Discover now