How the Mansion is Like

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The mansion is goddamn big. It had 3 floors including the basement, which had a gym, the girl's bedroom and the boy's bedroom. It also has a mini trampoline room and a parkour room where the signs (especially the fire signs) could do crazy shit

The ground floor has the kitchen, the living room and a huge garden with a swimming pool with a cave.

The 1st floor had the Earth signs bedroom and the Water signs bedroom and the 2nd floor had the Fire signs bedroom and the Air signs bedroom which alsos leads to the roof where you could jump of and land in the pool and there are like 10 bathrooms in total including 1 in each bedroom.

Fire Signs: Aries, Leo & Sagittarius

Earth Signs: Taurus, Virgo & Capricorn

Air Signs: Gemini, Libra & Aquarius

Water Signs: Cancer, Scorpio & Pisces

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