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The 8 of them were driving and looking for the next place. Taurus and Gemini were talking shit about random people, Leo was flirting with Virgo, Cancer was sleeping on Scorpio's arm and Aries was glaring at her GPS.

"Hey Aries I have a question" said Taurus

"Shoot" said Aries

"What's cocaine world?"

"I have no goddamn clue"

"Idk, can we skip that one?" asked Scorpio

"Why tho" said Leo

"Sure" said Aries

"HEy! Don't skip the cocaine!" whined Leo

"Shut up Leo!" said Aries

Aries looked at the text message.

"Huh, this one's old, but it's apparently close to that Cocaine world place" said Aries

"Huh, what is it?" said Leo

Aries showed them a picture of a guy with curly bronze hair and hazel eyes.

Libra, age 18, last seen at Boob Library

"Boob library? What the hell?" said Gemini

"Yup..." sighed Aries

"Okay on second thoughts let's go there, I love boobs!" said Leo

"No one asked!"

The 7 of them drove to the library and once they reached, Aries got out of the car.

"Okay me, Virgo and Scorpio are gonna go since the 3 of you are too noisy and Cancer's asleep" said Aries

"Can we go find Cocaine world at least?!" pouted Leo

"Why the fuck are you so obsessed with cocaine world?!" 

"Because you said it was nearby!"

"Okay fine, you can go, but your ass better not be high, I don't want to deal with some noisy monkey"

"Why so racist?" asked Taurus



"What's going on?" mumbled Cancer

"We found a few people, wanna join us?" asked Taurus

"Okay!" grinned Cancer

Taurus grinned while Scorpio glared at him. 

"If anything happens to her, I'll kill you" said Scorpio

"No problem!" said Taurus

"Where's Leo?" asked Gemini

The 6 of them looked over and saw a blonde guy laughing and running around finding the place. 

"For fucks sake...anyways I'll brb" said Aries

Aries, Virgo and Scorpio went up the library. Inside, there was a tall girl with large blonde braids reading manga in the library while the 3 of them were discussing who and how to approach her.

"Virgo, you wanna try and rizz her out" said Aries

"I don't have any rizz...?" said Virgo

"Idk just be convincing..." said Scorpio

"Can you go instead?" 

"Why me...?"

"I don't like to talk to people..."

"Me neither"

"You know what, why don't I go since you both are quiet and shy af" said Aries

"Sure..." said Virgo and Scorpio

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