KFC Time

189 4 40

After a couple minutes of reckless driving, the zodiac signs finally reached McDonalds. It was a tiring and everyone was hungry and thirsty and got inside McDonalds and went to get a table and some seats. Aries, Taurus, Gemini and Cancer sat down on a table.

"I'm never trusting that blonde bitch to drive ever again" said Aries

"Same" said Taurus

Cancer couldn't speak because she straight up passed out from the bad driving.

"Where's Leo?" asked Gemini

"Probably ordering something" said Aries

Suddenly Leo came back with 3 boxes of chicken nuggets and started eating them.

"Good lord that's a lot" said Taurus

"THese are amazing, thanks!" said Leo

"No problem" said Aries

"I thought I was hungry but damn" said Gemini

"Well I haven't eaten in 4 days" said Leo

"WHAT" said everyone

"Wait why didn't you eat anything?" asked Aries

"Because I've been on the run" said Leo

"What exactly are you running from?" asked Gemini

" E v e r y t h i n g "   said Leo


"I ran away from my house when I was like 12" said Leo

"WAIT WHY" said

"I'd rather not say why, it's personal...that's why I've been at Cancer's motel this while time" said Leo

"Poor kid" said Taurus

"Speaking of Cancer, wtf happened to her?" asked Gemini

"She passed out because of Leo's bad driving" said Taurus

Aries and Gemini laughed while Leo gave them the middle finger.

"BRO what's up with the coke" said Gemini

"I get thirsty easily" said Leo, "Both in hunger and in sex"

"What the fuck" said Gemini

"I have no words" said Taurus

"..." said Cancer

"But multiple questions" said Gemini

"Like who would actually wanna fuck Aries?" asked Leo

"No one lol, she sucks" said Gemini

"Asshole!" snapped Aries

Suddenly a girl with curly black hair, white sunglasses, black hoodie and jeans and white vans came inside the store and was looking around for a seat when a the cashier walked up to her.

"Sorry ma'am, we're full at the moment" said cashier

"It's okay...I'll come back later..." said the girl

The girl walked away from the cashier when she suddenly noticed that something was up with her body.

"Hey wtf, what the fuck's wrong with your body???"

"Excuse me...?"

"Like...why are you glowing?!"

"I-what?! Wait, why are you glowing too?"



"I...I gotta get outta here..."

The girl was slowly backing away from the cashier and was about to back away when she bumped into Taurus and fell down.

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