Yn : what

G: I mean where are u going

Yn : classes?

G: no no , Estás enfermo
( ur sick)

Yn : Estaré bien
( ill be fine)

G: quieres comer?
( do u want to eat?)

Yn: si claro, pero tengo que hacer mi cafe
( yea sure , but I also have to make my caffe)

G:así que hazlo porque aún no está listo
(Well do it bc its not ready yet)

Then I start preparing coffe

Yn : Te estás volviendo muy bueno en español, estoy orgulloso
(Ur getting really great in spanish, im proud)

G:Mi hombre me está enseñando
(My man is teaching me)

Yn :Ustedes son tan lindos juntos, estoy literalmente tan celoso
(U guys are so cute together, im literally so jealous)

G: and thats all i understand

Yn : I said that...

Then she interupted me

G: ik what u said but breakfast is done

Then she handed me a plate

G: sit down

Yn : no I dont have time

I said getting all of my books and my computer in my bag while eating

G: i still think u shouldn't go to ur classes

Yn : if I feel that im gonna be sick ill be right here and I took advil soooo

G: Im gonna go sleep , bye love u

I said goodbye and laughed and started eating

I said goodbye and laughed and started eating

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