Ch 6

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*contains some mature content*

This ^ is the pack house of the Pack Samantha has gone to


"Why not?" I rub my temples frustratedly. Oh how much I wanted to leave this place, but I can't. I made a commitment to Sebastian and the clan to do this mission. I did this because I can't go back to the territory, so might as well do the outside work, and if I die they can finally appoint Sebastian as the Alpha. The only reason he didn't get it anyway is because I was 10 minutes older than him, so technically I was next in line. But without my wolf, how can I rid this territory of other element wolves?

"Mason I really appreciate your offer, and any other time I would've accepted it in a heartbeat. But I have to stay here. I-I just have to.." The last sentence comes out as a whisper as he stands, exhaling loudly.

"Sam these people are hurting you! There's no doubt in my mind that they will eventually kill you. And without a wolf to protect you.." His voice fades out as he looks out my window, then back at me. "Please, I want to help you. I don't want to watch you get more bruises. And I definitely don't want to go to your funeral. Please.." He puts his large hands on my bony shoulders. "Let me help you."

I sigh. "How far away is your territory from here?" I see his lips curl up ever so slightly before he answers. "My pack is right next door. There's about 2 miles of no mans land between our borderlines."

I start thinking. If I leave this place, maybe I can finally escape the abuse. Maybe I could begin to grow stronger again. Maybe, just maybe, I can get my wolf back. When I get her back, I could just run back and forth between the territories, it's not like any of those normal werewolves could catch me if they tried.

I look up at Mason's hopeful face. "How will I leave though? My father won't let me leave his territory. Never has."

"Chase and I are leaving tomorrow morning to head back to the territory. We will wait until tomorrow night when Alpha Charlie has gone to bed and we will come for you. His patrol won't stop us because they know us, and your Alpha always grants us permission on his territory. Be ready to leave at midnight."

I raise my eyebrows in slight shock. He's actually sat down and thought this through. He continues looking at me hopefully, and in sigh and nod. "Okay, I'll come with you."


"Goodbye Chase! Please keep in touch!" I hear Trish in the living room saying her last goodbyes to her 'lover' as she calls him. I call him boyfriend #5.

Charlie is also in the living room seeing the boys off. He normally follows visitors to his border line to make sure they leave his territory, but he trusts Mason and Chase so he decides to stay back and help his beta with some pack matters.

I, on the other hand, am trying to contain my excitement as I finish cleaning the dishes from breakfast. I'm finally getting out of here, out of this hellhole! I can't contain my devilish smile from forming when I think about the things I could do to a certain Alpha once my wolf is back and strong again.

It took me about 20 minutes to finish the kitchen, and when I walk out I have the unfortunate opportunity to see Trish already making out with another guy from the pack.

Goodness this girl doesn't waste any time.

I lay back onto my bed, completely exhausted. It's been awhile since I've had to do all the cleaning myself and cooking. These past few weeks I had Mason to help me clean.

Mason...I wonder what he's doing right now. Those bright green eyes still burned into my head, I look over at my clock. 10:30pm. I've still got some time, might as well take a short nap...


I'm suddenly jolted awake by something grabbing me and lifting me into the air. My eyes shoot open and I open my mouth to scream when a large hand covers it. I look up and am met with those huge green eyes. He smiles when I relax. "Are you ready?" He asks in his deep, husky voice that sends a shiver down my spine. He smirks and I nod. "Yes."

Without putting me down, he walks towards the window and leaps out. I wrap my arms around him to hang on as he lands gracefully to the ground. He smiles at my shocked expression. "I've got you darling. Don't worry, you aren't going to hurt anymore." His face turned serious as he said this, and he begins taking off running using his werewolf speed; Chase following behind with my suitcase.

It doesn't take us long to make it to their pack's territory. The entire atmosphere has a completely different feeling than Charlie's does. We stop outside a humongous, beautiful 6 story house. Their pack house.

Mason sets me down and I pull my hoodie up more, secretly wishing it could engulf me. I hate being in unfamiliar territory, and being around unfamiliar people. But I know this was the best decision for my safety, especially since my wolf has disappeared...

I hope she's okay.

We walk inside and are met with a large man talking to a woman in the kitchen. The male seems to radiate power and authority, causing Mason and Chase to bow their heads. I have to grit my teeth and force my head down. I'm not used to someone being above me anymore, and I definitely don't like it.

"Alpha. Luna." Chase and Mason said in unison.

Luna? What the hell's a Luna?

I look at them with slight confusion, but neither one of them acknowledges me. The Alpha and woman look over. "Hello Mason, Chase." His powerful voice booms, but has no affect on me. His eyes meet mine, and a light of curiosity ignites in them.

"And you are?" The Alpha asks. I smile. "My name's Samantha, daughter of Alpha Charlie." His face turns to confusion as he sniffs the air, searching for my scent, but quickly recovers and smiles. "It's very nice to meet you Samantha. I'm Felix, Alpha of the Blackmoon Pack. Welcome to the territory." He holds his hand down and I smile and shake it. "This is my mate and the Luna, Amber." The woman smiles at me. There's a certain...look in her eyes. There's something off about her, but I can't place it. "It's nice to meet you Samantha. I hope you feel welcomed here. Please let me know if you need anything." She smiles again, and I can't help but notice that she is radiating beauty. It makes me pull back further into my hood, but I smile back. "Thank you very much." I told them both.

Amber escorts me to my room while Mason and Chase talk to Alpha Felix about some kind of training. She brings me up to the fourth floor, and we walk down the hallway quietly. She shows me a room about halfway down the hallway. "This will be your room. Normally this level is for fighters, but Mason has requested for you to have the room next to his." My brow creases in curiosity, but I decide to let it go for now. "Thank you Amber." She smiles and nods then begins making her way back downstairs.

I walk inside to notice my suitcase was already up here. Did Chase sneak it up here or something? Weird.

I lay on the bed and pull my phone out. I scroll down to Sebastian's contact name. I check the time, 12:40am. I decide to text him instead of calling.

"My location has changed. I am no longer at the Claws Pack. I am now at the Blackmoon Pack, which is right next to them. Details are not important, I have the best interest of the clan in mind. Remember that. Keep me updated."

I hit send, then place my phone on the night table next to me. I stand, and make my way to the connected bathroom and look into the mirror. I sigh inwardly at my appearance, and slowly lower my hood. I feel so exposed without my hood up, even with no one around to see me. I drop my hand to the end of my hoodie, and slowly lift it up, exposing my right hip; where my mark should've been.

It's gone.

I whimper lowly, wishing with all my heart and soul that my wolf would come back to me. I lower my hoodie back down and splash some water on my face. I then pull my hood back up, and exit the bathroom to go lay back down.

It doesn't take long for exhaustion to kick in again, and it becomes impossible to hold my eyes open anymore. I allow the darkness to surround me as I drift off to an anything but pleasant slumber.

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