"I can send you the rest later," I said

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"I can send you the rest later," I said. "Just let me know what you need."

"Thanks." She reached for my phone, which sat in front of me on the table. "Let me give you my number."

Her hand was so close, and I wanted to touch her so bad. But I didn't dare. This entire time, we hadn't come into physical contact with each other even once.

I took back my phone and walked her to the door. She thanked my mother and apologized for interrupting dinner. Mom softened a little. You had to give it to Emily, she knew how to be charming. Then Emily looked at me, and there was clear intent in her eyes.

"See you later."

I nodded. I watched her turn and walk deliberately away from my house. Every step she took felt like she was tearing away from my body. I had to get her back. I had to touch her. To feed from her. The dry burn in my fingers and toes promised that I didn't have much time.

"Who was that?" Mom said.


"Did she walk here?"

"She only lives two houses down."

"Oh, I know who she is! She's Joel and Grace Harding's oldest daughter, right?"


She went quiet, and it wasn't until Emily disappeared from sight that I realized I'd watched every single step she'd taken from our front door to hers. I turned to my mom, who looked satisfied, as though she'd solved a great mystery.

"You like that girl," she said.

"Huh? No."

"Come on, you can't fool your mother. She certainly has grown, hasn't she?" There was barely-veiled meaning in her voice; she was referring to Emily's chest.

"I don't like her. Seriously."

"Okay, sweetie."

* * *

	Porter and Zero showed up after dinner and I escaped with them into my room

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Porter and Zero showed up after dinner and I escaped with them into my room. I'd never been so happy to see them before, but that was just my hunger talking. It burned in my chest now, and my fingers trembled if I didn't keep my hands in my pockets. I found myself trying to think of ways to separate the guys. Or, maybe, ways to put them both to sleep so I could feed from them both. It wouldn't work, because they'd end up comparing stories and figuring everything out and I doubted they would take it as well as even Emily and Sidney had. But anything would be better than attacking my own mother. I'd go out and bite a cop in broad daylight before I did that.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 24, 2023 ⏰

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