"Zane, look up!" she said. From below, Zane looked up to see the Bounty, and with you, Nya and Harumi working together, you were all able to push the bike you and Nya worked together to create off the Bounty and into the streets below. "Let her fly!" Nya exclaimed. 

       You watched as the bike flew down from the air, gently getting on the ground. From what you could see, a small figure who you assumed must be Zane got on the bike, and for a moment he seemed to look around the bike, then suddenly zipped down the freeway. Your small group of three ran back to the screen, Nya was worried that they had fallen a little too behind. Luckily, Zane reassured her that he would make it. 

       Soon enough, Zane was racing across the desert floor on the outskirts of Ninjago City. As he neared the small group of bikers, he seemed to press a button from his new bike from what you could see, and as soon as he did, the bikers started to fall one by one from their bikes as the braking device Nya had implemented attached to each of the bikers wheels. Soon enough, he caught up to the one who seemed to be the small leader of this group, as well as Mr. E.

    "I've caught up with the mask," Zane informed. As soon as he said those words, the big, burly man beside him put on the Mask of Deception, he laughed maniacally, an orange flame coming from the eyes of the mask. He stared at Zane, and lifted his head to the sky, making Zane be lifted in the process. Zane yelled out in surprise and was suddenly brought back down harshly. The man put his hand behind him and lifted three rocks. Your eyes widened in disbelief. This man had telekinetic abilities!

       "Zane, are you seeing what we're seeing?" Nya asked, her face a picture of disbelief as she pointed to the screen. 

       "I was going to ask you the same thing." He responded. You stepped forward toward the screen. 

       "My apologies for speaking out of turn," you started, staring at Nya. She nodded in response. "How about we introduce Zane to the new friend we made?" Nya stepped forward, a huge smile on her face. 

       "That's a great idea, Y/N!" she exclaimed. As you watched Zane dodge obstacles in his path from the masked man, Nya spoke. "If you're having trouble, Y/n and I have built in some additional help." She stated. The screen instead of looking straight ahead, was pointed downwards. A small image of a bird was shown on the small screen Zane had on his bike. 

       "I see that now," he said, clicking on the image. Suddenly, from the front of the bike, a small, metallic bird detached itself and flew up to the sky, making it known to the world as it shot down incoming projectiles headed toward Zane. Zane thanked his new friend, and it went back to attach itself to the front of the bike. The leader sped up, going in between a canyon. From what the screen showed, he seemed to make more obstacles for Zane so he couldn't get through. Mr. E stayed behind, seemingly to deal with Zane, from what you were shown.  As Zane got through the small obstacle course of rocky spikes, Mr. E was waiting for him with his sword raised. He was ready to strike, but Zane got the upper hand as he jumped up to ride the side of the canyon, making Mr. E miss him. 

       Soon enough, Mr. E was right beside Zane, his sword ready and prepared to strike once more. Unfortunately for him, Zane dodged once more, making Mr. E miss again and instead lodge the sword against a rock. Mr. E caught up to Zane once more, getting closer now that he had no weapons. Zane grunted as he looked beside him. 

       "You're the Quiet One, aren't you?!" he shouted, the noise of the engines practically almost drowning him out. "You're the one in charge!" Mr. E collided with him, almost making Zane lose balance. Zane narrowed his eyes. "Who are you?" he asked. It wasn't until he looked forward that he realized the situation they were in. At this pace, both Zane and Mr. E were going to go off a cliff if he didn't turn now! From the corner of the screen, you saw a small hand grab onto the handle of the motorcycle. The sudden movement got Zane's attention, and he turned his head fully to see that Mr. E was now in control of both of the motorcycles. Your eyes widened at the realization. 

       "He's trying to steer them both off the cliff!" You exclaimed. Luckily, Zane jumped off the bike just in time before he was sent off the cliff. Unfortunately, so did Mr. E. As Zane got up, you could see small sparks flying from Mr. E's shoulder. As the screen revealed more, Zane realized who was going to be fighting.

       "You are—You are like me." He said, shocked. 

"A nindroid."

Writer's Letter:

       Sorry for having this chapter be short, you guys. I promise I'll try and make the next one a bit longer for you all. :)

Je hebt het einde van de gepubliceerde delen bereikt.

⏰ Laatst bijgewerkt: Aug 04, 2023 ⏰

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