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       Thankfully, Nya had given you and Harumi spare clothes to change into, so you didn't have to worry about being in a dirty dress every day.

       You were in the kitchen, filling yourself with a glass of water. You, Harumi, and the Ninja had just landed near the Village of Stixx, the hiding spot as of now. You frowned, although you knew hiding from the Sons of Garmadon was for the protection of you and Harumi. A small feeling in your gut told you this wasn't right. It seems your responsibilities as an heir didn't seem to want to go away, even when they directly knew this was better for everyone involved or not. You couldn't return until the ninja found the last mask, lest you all be in trouble. So, for now, you would have to lie and wait in secret.

       Once you finished drinking the water and cleaning the cup, you decided you would go exploring. It had been the first time you'd been outside the palace for a long time, and you were going to enjoy it to the fullest.

       While exploring, you managed to find an old unused room. A lever was nearby to your right, and you tugged on it. Soon what revealed itself beneath the floors turned out to be a training room. You stood still in awe and watched the machinery work itself. Gears twisted and turned, spikes showed themselves and went underground only to repeat the process, and tiny wrecking balls spun around. Smiling in amazement, you pulled the lever again, and the obstacle course disappeared underground once more. Deciding not to tell Harumi, you came to the thought of leaving that specific room alone.

       You moved along, making your way to another door nearby. It seemed this once had a wheel on it. Maybe it was for meetings? You opened the door, but instead of a long table with chairs around it and a screen projector, you found out that this was a bedroom.

       The bedroom was lined with bunk beds that had different colored bedsheets, almost as if to represent each ninja. Walking forward, you saw multiple framed pictures and what seemed to be mementos of the past to be lined up on a table. You caught a glimpse of what seemed to be a younger version of Lloyd and an older man beside him. They weren't looking at the camera, but they were both smiling. It must be his father, you thought.

       Deciding not to snoop any longer, you got out of the bedroom and went back to the main deck, only to find the ninja already there along with Harumi.
       Nya and Zane were by the control panels, making sure Destiny's Bounty was in good form. Kai, Jay, and Cole were talking with each other. The topic seemed interesting with how their eyes lit up and the liveliness of their movements.
       Meanwhile, Lloyd and Harumi were just coming from the deck and towards them. Cole noticed their presence first and seemed to straighten himself a bit. All was well and fine, but you were not prepared for his small pun.

      "So, Harumi!" He exclaimed with a smile on his face. He seemed very welcoming. You were glad he was comfortable making casual talk with you and Harumi. Everyone else at the palace seemed too timid to speak casually for fear of being yelled at—Except Adelinde and Maisie, of course.

       "Looks like we're gonna be—" he snickered a tiny bit, almost unnoticeable. "—roomies for a while." You shook your head, smiling. Whether or not she found it funny, Harumi decided to ignore the comment, proceeding with a small speech.

      "You have all been so gracious to take us in since our palace was—uhm— taken away." You spaced out a bit at those words.

       They're dead, you thought. Everyone is dead. Mother, Father, Adelinde, Maisie, and Mr. Hutchins.

       Those thoughts alone almost brought you to tears once more. You snapped back to reality, trying your best to stay strong and blinking rapidly to make the tears go away. But when you finished, you saw that Harumi was glancing at you, making sure it was okay for her to continue. With a slight nod of approval from you, she went on.
       "You're safe with us," Jay interrupted, trying to give her some hope. He seemed quite sure of them being able to protect both of you. Is this a regular occurrence?  You thought. Unfortunately for Jay, Zane cleared any thoughts of the Ninja succeeding in protecting you and Harumi from Jay's head.

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