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       It wasn't long before Nya started working on a bike for Zane. Since there wasn't much else to do, you and Harumi decided to help her to make the process faster. Meanwhile, the rest of the group worked on finding Zane and Cole. Lloyd was scouring Ninjago, while Jay and Kai gave him pointers and tips on where to go. You stood alongside Nya, flinching as a loud banging was heard from her hammering pieces together. Kai called out from above. 

       "Do you mind, sis?" He asked. "We're trying to save Cole and Zane." From below the metal bars, you could see Kai on his knees trying to get closer so Nya could hear him over the banging. Nya turned around, slightly aggravated. 

       "What do you think I'm doing?" she asked. "Zane won't last long undercover in a biker gang without a bike." 

       "Oh," Kai responded. Nya turned around to face Harumi. 

       "Harumi, can you hand me the electric torque wrench?" Harumi quickly turned around and grabbed what she deemed an electric torque wrench. Nya smiled softly and corrected Harumi. "Oh, sweetie, that's a torque multiplier." Harumi stood frozen for a moment before springing back to reality apologizing and heading out of the room. You furrowed your eyebrows, She was acting weird today, did she not get enough sleep? Nya looked over at you, now. "Would you mind getting the electric torque wrench, Y/n?" she asked. "It should be right behind where Harumi set the torque multiplier." You nodded, setting down the nuts and bolts you were previously holding. 

       "Sure, Nya." Grabbing the wrench, you handed it to Nya, who smiled and said thanks in return. You both kept working on the bike. On occasion, you would ask Nya how to put some parts together, and she demonstrated to show you. She'd even let you repeat some of the processes on the other side of the bike. Things were going fairly smoothly as you finalized the bike until the voice of a male spoke through the screen above the deck. 

       "P.I.X.A.L., can you read me? My cover may be blown but I have spotted the mask of deception." It was Zane! Both you and Nya quickly dropped your tools and ran upstairs to get a good look at what was happening. From what Zane was showing, it seemed like he was already on a bike and chasing the S.O.G. From the screen where he was showing what was going on, you could see an orange mask hanging from a large bike. 

       "The Mask of Deception!" You gasped. If the S.O.G had the Mask of Deception with them right now, there was no way Zane would be able to win a fight against them! Hastily, Harumi came up from behind you, panicking. 

       "Did he say he sees that Mask of Deception?" She asked. You nodded, turning your head over to her. Whatever thoughts you were thinking, they were quickly dispelled by Zane's own. 

       "I don't know how long I'll last, so I'll tell you this now: I don't know who's in charge, but he is known as 'The Quiet One,"  he said. 

       "'The Quiet One?'" Harumi mumbled. Nya pressed some buttons while she spoke. 

       "Hold tight a little longer," she said, "We have a new bike coming to you now!" As soon as she said that, a small realization came across her eyes, her face darkening. You turned to look and smile at Nya, but that dissipated and formed into a worried gaze when you saw her eyes widen and ask Zane a worrisome question at the small realization of someone still missing. 

      "Zane, where's Cole?"


       Soon enough, P.I.X.A.L. was able to track down Zane's location, and Nya was able to steer the ship over to where he was. As soon as she was almost on top of him, she stopped the flying ship and asked you and Harumi to haul over the new bike you worked together to make. Nya used her intercom to contact Zane from above.

When Fate Intertwines || Lloyd G. x Readerحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن