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       I stood in front of my bedroom mirror, carefully applying the traditional makeup for special events like  this. After all, it wasn't often the Emperor made speeches to the public. We barely attended political meetings as well!
       The maids insisted that they do my makeup, but I managed to persuade them otherwise. I knew the process well enough from classes to know what goes where, what to use, and how to use it. It was practically sewed into my memory at this point.

       Upon finishing, I gave myself a look, checking snd double-checking to make sure I had not made any mistakes with the makeup. Then, I glanced down at my outfit, making sure there wasn't any wrinkles in the spaces of my clothing. After checking I sighed.. Luckily, there wasn't any wrinkles.
    Knock, knock!

       "Your Highness?" A voice came from behind the doors of my bedroom. It was Mr. Hutchins. "Your Father has asked that you hurry, you have five minutes before you have to present yourselves," He warned. In response to him I rushed over to open the door.

       "Yes. I apologize for any hold backs," I said. "I was only checking for anything wrong with the clothes and makeup." Mr. Hutchins smiled, looking me up and down.

       "You look amazing, Your Highness," he responded. "Now, let us get you to to rest of the Royal Family. We don't want to start off without Ninjago's next in line, right?" He questioned. I laughed softly.
       "No. No we don't." I beamed. Hutchins looked back at me, and mentioned that the Ninja would be here too, making sure that my family and I were safe from any attacks. I thanked him for the extra protection.

       Soon enough, I was brought with the rest of my family outside in front of the crowd, and stood right in between my mother and Harumi. Harumi giggled.

       "Fashionably late, as always, dear sister." She whispered. I hushed her silently, still smiling at the crowd as I did so.

       "Hush, Rumi. You know this never happens!" I chided her quietly. She smiled, but didn't say another word.

       The crowd fell silent as my father stepped up to the podium.

       "As many of you know," he started. "My family has kept a private life. We aren't interested in meddling with current affairs, but as crime has risen, so has our concern. So it is time to step out of the shadows, and into the light."  The crowd cheered once he finished with the beginning of his speech.
       As my father spoke, I couldn't help but notice people on the rooftops with colorful clothing. My eyes widened slightly once I realized that they were the Ninja. Currently, I was only able to spot five out of six in their group. From doing my research on the Sons of Garmadon, I was also able to gain information on the Ninja as well. From what I could see, only Kai, Jay, Zane, Cole, and Lloyd were seen. Nya didn't seem to be with them at the moment. Perhaps she was somewhere else? Or maybe she was in the crowd. Sure enough, once I started looking for Nya in the crowd, a girl with black hair and ponytail stood out to me. More so because she had her hand beside her ear and didn't have a phone next to it. She paused every once in a while, but her mouth still moved. The Ninja most likely had earpieces, no wonder.

       My eyes wandered off to the side, and managed to catch a color of green clothing. Soon enough, my head was being pulled along as well.

       It was the Green Ninja, Lloyd.

       For only a few seconds— what seemed to be an eternity to me— our eyes met. His eyes were a beautiful vibrant green unlike no other, as if they were sculpted from beautiful waters and colors only made by the First Spinjitzu Master. Almost as if he were the center of a canvas full of multiple things. And he, the center of them all.

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