<<Long story,but I won't tell it,if you have interest watch the document then.However,I met one person who's very interesting,Demon Lord of Round Table,do you know him?>>

The radio chat turned silence for a few second,before Blaze continues:

<<Demon Lord,I have heard of him....a legend to be told.But I know nothing about him,how about you Henry,have you ever met him?"

<<Perhap>>-Cipher said,he intended to said a few more words,but a feminine voice come from one of the frontal fighter jets has dragged him away from the conversation:

<<I have a few blip on my radar,a squadron,consider bogey>>-Mobius cut the radio chat

<<Huh,the first time I saw you talkin-wait what?>>-Pixy said,look down at the radar

<<Are they hostile?Did they shoot anything?>>

<<Maybe it's just escort,but they didn't tell me anything about this,but to be sure.All aircraft,ready if we need to engage them>>-Hawkeye 1 ordered-<<Let me connect to them,uh,no contact,something is wrong>>


From 24 dot in the radar,several missile was fired to their direction,Blaze,after many years without combat,although the skill has been created into muscle memories,his commanding skill has gone down:


<<Consider hostile,drop those fuel tank,clear to engage,Fox 3>>

Under the sudden command taken over by the aircraft with blue ribbon on the tail.The F-22s drop their tank away from the belly,these fighters retaliate against the hostile squadron with a wave of missiles,approaching the enemies from afar.

<<Missile missed,attack failed,our long range missile stock out,ready for close range combat>>

Mobius turned off her radio,before accelerate her aircraft to higher speed.If her intention for engaging the enemies isn't clear enough,under the aircraft frame,the hidden weapon bays are already opened,revealed the two poorly old missiles that's haven't planned to be used,along with a few rounds for the gun.

<<Hawkeye 11,prepare for engage>>

<<Let see if you can live up with your name,Blue Ribbon>>-Trigger join right next to her wings with a barrel roll,his plane mostly carries regular machine gunshells,with little to no missile,but that was more than enough to start a fight.

<<8 and 9,ready to engage>>-Pixy and Cipher form a sandwich position with Mobius's fighter.

<<All squadron,follow them>>-Blaze said-<<Be careful,don't die in the first deployment>>

12 km from their position

<<Yokai 6 report,those aircraft gone invisible from radar,they must had drop the fuel tank and gone full stealth,we must prepare for close combat>>

Beyond Hawkeye' eyesight,two fighter jet squadrons,if they could be considered two squadrons,are steady cruising just right above the waves of Pacific ocean.And they have no friendly intention for the "American" as it showed:

<<Yokai 3 to 1,are you sure about engagement,we're not experience pilot,as you might know,just rookie>>

<<Yes,but....you're flying with us,relax,just fly with your heart,and you will be fine.Alright,boys,for the new order of Japan,I do not allow any of you to die while we kick those American out of our soil,Yokai 1 to all aircraft,engage>>

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