Chapter 11: Enter and Old Rival

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Ryuji: -ck!

Akira: ...

Yusuke: ...

Ryuji: ...

Akechi: You look like you've seen a ghost.

Ryuji: yeah! you should be dead!

Yusuke: Not so loud.

Akechi: But I'm not and I am here speaking to you all. Maybe get your eyes check.

Akira: how are you alive? We beat Maruki right?

Akechi: Correct. But by some sheer twist of fate I am alive. And I've been in hiding. Plotting my next move.

Ryuji: that isn't going to work out well for you, we beat you before and we'll do it again.

Akechi: That may be true. But I know something that can get me an advantage. Even if I'm disappointed in it.

Ryuji: who would side with you?

Akechi: I don't need anyone to side with me. I know something you don't.

Akira: the taste of delicious pancakes.

Akechi: I see your insults are still as bland as your appearance.

Akira: Did they work?

Akechi: *sigh* How does it feel to suffer, Akira?

Akira: let's just skip this dialogue and get to the point. why are you here? Don't think you're here to help me get a date.

Yusuke: As if he even could.

Akechi: Like I care about relationships. I have bigger goals than to be held down by useless relationships.

Akira: would you just want to tell us why you're here rather then be a hater.

Akechi: I'm here to help you.

Akira: Why?

Akechi: Cause I'm not going to let you die by some disease cause you're too stubborn to confess to a woman. Not after all that happened.

Ryuji: Disease?

Akira: I... have no idea what you mean.

Akechi: Oh stop hiding it, Akira.

Akira: I'm not hiding anything.

Akechi: Then what are these?

Akechi holds out notes of medicine Akira bought from Tae's place and the reason which states "for Hanahaki disease"

Akira: What the!? where did you-

Yusuke: Hanahaki?

Ryuji: Hanawhat now? That a Persona skill?

Akechi: I got these from the doctor you've been visiting lately. Hanahaki disease. A mythical disease thought to be made up. It's when someone has feelings for another and they start to suffer cause it's one sided. So a plant is growing inside of their lungs, killing them from the inside out. Every time he coughs now it's because of the disease. Even the petals flying out as well. He's dying and he's hiding it from you all.

Ryuji: ...

Yusuke: ...

Akira: what kind of drugs have you been doing since you were "dead"?

Akechi: Why are you so persistent in hiding this, Akira? Do you not trust your friends with this information? I thought you had a bond with them that you can trust them with anything. Or are they not worthy enough to know about this important information.

Persona 5: Wilted Rose (Joker X Ann Takamaki. Hanahaki Disease)Where stories live. Discover now