Chapter 10: Love is Stressful

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Akira wakes up in the Velvet Room, the room having a bit more plants then usual.

Akira: *gets off his bed*

Igor: ...

Lavenza: ...

Akira: Hey.

Lavenza: The plants are growing larger and worse...

Akira: *looks around* eh I got time.

Igor: They have almost taken over this room. Once they do you will no longer live.

Akira: it hasn't even been a week, the diseases isn't going to kill me just yet.

Lavenza: It's increasing faster than you think. It might not even be a week if you are unlucky.

Akira: well luck doesn't like to be at my side. look I promise I'll take care of this, I just need time.

Igor: Time is running out. You don't have much longer.

Akira: I'll live, don't worry. just got to forget I ever fell in love.

Lavenza: Love is an emotion not so easily forgettable... in fact it's impossible unless you lose all emotions entirely.

Akira: I thought I've taken care of that feeling before... *sits on the bed*

Igor: You may think that. But your subconscious won't be able to forget so easily. It's within you and will stay there. You can keep denying it and eventually pass, or you can accept it and deal with it.

Akira: already got friend zoned, thought my subconscious would be ready to move on.

Igor: Even if you get rejected. It can still linger.

Akira: Thought I got rid of that feeling...

Lavenza: You keep thinking that but your heart still lingers onto that feeling.

Akira: I just want to get rid of it...

Lavenza: You we're already given the options. And you choose to suffer with it until your eventual death.

Akira: yeah let me just go and ask out the person who already friendzoned me before, it's genius.

Igor: *sigh* I trust you will make the right choice. Farewell for now.

Akira: what do you want me to do?

Lavenza: That is a choice you must make on your own accord.

Akira: Believe me, I want to ask her out and steal her heart, but it's not as easy as in the Metaverse.

Lavenza: There are challenges harder than Metaverse and its trials. But you must try and overcome them.

Akira: I'll do it.

Lavenza: Thank you.

he heads back and wakes up.

Akira: *wakes up, gets up, gets out there*

He heads down to leblanc, where someone else is there early

Ann: *waiting in Leblanc drinking coffee*

Sojiro: You guys have been meeting up a lot lately.

Ann: Well since it's been a while since we all saw each other so we're making up for lost time.

Sojiro: Even going back to being the Phantom Thieves after you promised us adults to handle it.

Ann: Sorry... but it's not like we're changing the hearts of big time people who need to be in jail. We're leaving them to the adults.

Persona 5: Wilted Rose (Joker X Ann Takamaki. Hanahaki Disease)Where stories live. Discover now