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Silence was all that could be heard as Lloyd's reply to Wu's question, everyone's question really.

"Lloyd, I said: What is the meaning of this?" Wu asked again

Lloyd sat on the couch next to his partner who rubbed his now healed head while the ninja all stood around Wu, who stayed in front of Lloyd, waiting for an answer

"I..." Lloyd started before stopping again. What could he say? I mean, they're right. What is this? How could he possibly get out of this situation? He was getting dizzy, his throat was so dry, if he even tried to answer their questions all that would come out would be a raspy squeak. Lloyd swore he could vomit at that moment. Yep, that's right. He would vomit. Vomit everywhere. Maybe if he exploded somewhere in the middle of it, he would be off the hook. Wow, he's really spiraling.

"We were making out. What's the problem?" Morro spoke up as he pressed his hand against the spot on his head where the icicle had been removed

"The...the problem?" Kai asked slowly, stepping forward a small bit before slightly lowering himself to Morro's level

"So you don't know?"

"I mean, I've got a hunch." Morro shrugged with a sly grin that quickly changed when he received a soft nudge and a head shake from his boyfriend

"This..." Lloyd started softly, "This is Morro. He-...I..."

"We're together." Morro said firmly as he took Lloyd's shaky, sweaty hand in his

The loud exclamation from the ninja sent the entire house into shambles


"Lloyd, you don't know what you're doing..."

"Oh, no wonder he's been sneaking out lately, look who he's hanging out with!"

"This is so fucked up..."

"You lied to me...?" The singular woman in the room spoke. Nya's face was twisted into an expression of distrust and disbelief


"You knew?" Kai quizzed with some dark, foreign tone

"I..." Nya started up after a couple moments of silence, "Not to this extent, no."

"So you knew." Kai deadpanned, turning to face his sister

"I'm telling you "no". Why are you putting words in my mouth?" Nya snapped back

"I just think it's odd that you knew- even a chunk of the story- and decided not to tell anybody." Kai shrugged with sarcasm

"...OF COURSE I WOULDN'T!" And the screaming match started up once again

Morro didn't know what to say. He didn't know what to do. He wished he could make it all go away, not for his own sake, but for the teary eyed blonde to his left. The ghost inched his hand toward the blonde before taking his shaky hand in his own cold one. Lloyd melted into the touch as he used his free hand to wipe his tears. Lloyd felt so...weak. There was nothing else to it, he was weak.

"Y'all chill, chill! Look at him..." Cole spoke softly, but loud enough to get people's attention

"Of course he's crying! What did he expect us to say? Hakuna Matata?" Jay exclaimed

"Okay, okay, wait." Zane spoke up with a rather irritated voice Lloyd had rarely ever heard him use

"Lloyd, we've given you chance after chance to talk to us about what's going on and you haven't said a word. So, why are you crying?"

NINJAGO: Amateurs of Adulthood .2Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora