Oneshot: Ayanokouji x Horikita

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Every beautiful rose has its thorn.
Every indifference has a reason.


Once school was over, most students, including myself, began preparing for the club activities. It's a rule set by our school, the Tokyo Metropolitan Advanced Nurturing High School, and everyone is expected to be part of some club.

The reason behind this rule is quite simple. This school was established by the Japanese government with a clear vision - to nurture young graduates who would become the future pillars supporting our country. In order to actively pursue this vision, the school's chairman made it mandatory for all students to actively participate in club activities. This fact was openly acknowledged, as our principal had passionately spoken about it during the opening ceremony when we, the newly admitted first-year students, had joined the school.

Thanks to the school's unwavering vision, every student, myself included, has been compelled to participate in their respective club activities. Initially, I thought this might lead to negative outcomes, with students feeling burdened or resentful. However, to my surprise, the response has been overwhelmingly positive. Students are wholeheartedly engaging and actively participating in their clubs, finding joy and purpose in their pursuits.

This is especially so for the sports clubs where they'll train for almost every day. I've even heard inspiring stories of students who were accepted into this school and later went on to become professional athletes after graduation, serving as a huge source of motivation for everyone to work harder.

In class, I noticed a few guys getting ready for their soccer or basketball practice, changing into their respective jerseys. I heard that both the basketball and soccer clubs have an overwhelming number of members, leaving no room for first-years in their dedicated club rooms. However, Sudou, Miyake and Hirata, three classmates of mine, managed to get in due to their exceptional skill and effort. As a result, they had no choice but to change in the classrooms. Away from the presence of the girls, of course.

The same situation applies to the softball and volleyball clubs. Moreover, these two clubs are for girls only. Onodera, if I remember correctly, managed to secure a spot in the swimming team. On the other hand, there's a girl named Inogashira who joined the knitting club, while Kushida easily got accepted into the theater club.

But of course, there's no way the girls will openly change their attire in the classroom. Instead, they swiftly did so in the ladies room before heading off to their respective club activities.

"Damn, Ken. Eight packs! What training have you done before to achieve this sort of body?" Ike exclaimed, admiring Sudou's abs as they exchanged jerseys.

"Well, I've been playing basketball a lot since I was a kid, and maintaining a physically fit body through regular workouts is essential if you want to become a professional athlete you know?," Sudou proudly explained, scratching his nose as he spoke.

"Bah, that's not something to brag about. And you call yourselves men? Look at mine," Yamauchi interrupted, striking a superman pose to showcase his stomach, which had no visible muscles or abs, only a layer of fat.

"Are you trying to crack a joke, Haruki? There's literally nothing there. Oh, and didn't you mention getting scouted as a baseball player in your introduction? Your hand seems to be miraculously fine now, considering you can 'use' it perfectly," Ike questioned, catching Yamauchi off guard and causing him to stumble as he tried to come up with a believable response to his lie.

Hirata found the whole exchange amusing and couldn't help but laugh, while Miyake showed little interest and headed straight for his archery activities.

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