Chapter 2.3: Freedom Monologue

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I can confidently state the following because I have experienced this myself:
Seeing everybody hear your thoughts and watching your actions being shown on the screen is very uncomfortable.
I understand that this may sound confusing or impossible to some of you, but I assure you that what I'm saying is true.

If you think about works of magic and fiction, like books or manga, you'll find examples where things happen without any logical explanation. Characters disappear inexplicably, or someone receives a note instructing them to go to a theater and watch their life's thoughts and actions on a giant projector with an audience of fellow students. It may sound like something out of a science fiction story, but the reality I find myself in is no different from fiction. I can confidently assert this because the exact phenomenon I am currently witnessing right now is happening right in front of me.


Around one pm, I made my way back to the dormitory, my home from that day onward.

As the video once again started playing, Ike, couldn't help but questioned "Are all the videos we're going to watch related to him? I mean, can't we see something cool from someone else's perspective or something?" He looked around, hoping someone could provide an answer. "No offense, Ayanokouji."

I nodded in understanding. Truth be told, Ike wasn't entirely wrong. From their own perspective, I'm just an average, quiet, and somewhat gloomy student, blending in with the rest of Class D, and closely associated with Horikita since the beginning of the semester. It must be either a strange coincidence or just bad luck that the screen displays my perspective and thoughts for everyone to see. If they were going to watch something like this, they probably wanted to see it from the viewpoint of a student with more authoritative influence, like their own class leader.

"Based on what we've seen so far, everything has been shown from his perspective, so most likely, yes," Horikita Suzune answered Ike's query.

At the reception desk, I received a keycard for Room 401 and a handbook containing information about the dorm's rules, then boarded the elevator. I quickly flipped through the handbook, which only detailed the most basic things that we needed for our daily routines. The dates and times for garbage disposal were listed, as well as a notice about avoiding excessive noise. I also saw notes about not wasting water or electricity, and so on.

Katsuragi nodded, acknowledging the significance of the manual. "Those rules are what keep the dormitory functioning smoothly. By asking its students to be responsible and accountable, it ensures that everything remains organized. I can imagine that without these restrictions, it would be utter chaos."

"So, they don't place restrictions on electricity or gas usage?"

I'd assumed that the school would deduct the cost from our points. This school really went to great lengths to have a perfect system for its students.

Several students nodded to what I thought in agreement.
They began expressing their opinions, stating that living on this campus wasn't actually that bad. They pointed out that the campus offers free meals, accommodations, electricity, gas, water, and other complimentary items. As a high school students, they recognized the importance of appreciating these resources and not wasting or abusing them. They wondered how much money they would have to pay if they had to cover all these costs to themselves.

However, I was a little surprised that they'd implemented co-ed dormitories. After all, this was a high school, so the rules stated that unsuitable romantic relationships were frowned upon. In short, sex was strictly forbidden...obviously. I mean, a member of the clergy wouldn't say that engaging in illicit sexual activity was okay.

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