Oneshot: Satou x Ayanokouji

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Love is a wild creature. It can arrive when you least expect it and capture your heart without warning.


It was the beginning of autumn. The time when cold winds and heavy rains blow through the city. Around a week and a half had already passed since Chaebashira sensei introduced us to the School system and before we knew it the class was over.

The students began to disperse heading to their dorm for their various after-school activities, talking to one another about where they would go and what they would do. Those from Kushida's group and those with the class trio had already left the class. Only Karuizawa and her clique and a rather odd boy in the back of the class was the only one left inside the classroom. The group was talking about the recently opened clothing store on campus.

"By the way, I just heard on the news that there's a heavy rainstorm headed our way later," A girl named Nene Mori who always hung out with Karuizawa and Matsushita speak out, changing the conversation.

"Yeah, I heard that too," chimed in another student.

"Isn't that just terrible?" Shinohara expressed concern. "Shouldn't we all head back to the dorms now?"

"Hmm, you girls go ahead. I've actually already prepared an umbrella," Karuizawa replied, her attention focused on her phone. "Hirata and I will be heading home together.""

Matsushita giggled mischievously. "An after-school date, huh? How sweet," she teased, turning her attention to Satou Maya, another member of their group. "What about you, Satou-san?"

Satou Maya smirked playfully. "I'll catch up with you girls later. Karuizawa-san would be so lonely without me," she responded with a giggle.

The group waved their hands, bidding farewell to one another. As the two girls engaged in a discussion about foods and fashion, Karuizawa's phone rang, and she answered to hear Hirata's voice on the other end, informing her that he would be waiting outside. Just as they stepped outside, Satou's face lit up with a sudden realization.

"Satou-san, what's wrong?" Karuizawa asked, concerned by Satou's sudden change in demeanor.

"I think I left something in the classroom. Karuizawa-san, you can go ahead. I'll catch up with you later," Satou swiftly replied, quickly darting past Karuizawa and making her way back to the classroom.

Satou entered the classroom and found her gaze fell upon Ayanokouji Kiyotaka, a tall and lean young man with brown hair and brown eyes, fast asleep on his chair. His head was supported by his right hand, resting on the table. Satou's claim of retrieving something she left in the classroom had been a lie; her real reason for returning was to address the student named Ayanokouji. The boy seemed to have a quiet presence, which had gone unnoticed by the other girls. Satou recalled having only spoken to him once before, but being classmates, she felt a sense of responsibility to wake him up.

Satou cautiously approached the slumbering figure, her voice tinged with a touch of unease. She leaned in and softly whispered near his face, "Ayanokouji-kun, wake up. It's time to wake up Ayanokouji-kun."

As Satou cautiously approached Ayanokouji, intending to gently shake him awake, she couldn't help but notice his unexpectedly handsome face. Lost in the moment, she found herself momentarily captivated by his features. However, just as she was gazing at him, his eyes slowly opened, and their faces were unexpectedly close, leaving Satou at a loss for words. Overwhelmed by her own nervousness, she began to stumble over her words in a flurry of explanation.

"A-Ahm. D-don't get the wrong idea. I'm only here to wake you up!" she stuttered, her cheeks flushed. "I-it's not like I was trying to look at your handsome face or something!"

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