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Once the trio made it to the college, Tatyana led the way up to Conrad's dorm, she'd been there before to check on Conrad and make sure he was ok so it wasn't new to her, and neither was his odd roommate Eric who now resorted to checking out Belly since Tatyana had turned him down multiple times.

"Do you know where Conrad is?" Tatyana sternly asked, just to show that she wasn't joking around "yeah no, he took off a couple days ago, haven't seen him since," Eric spoke as he scuffled around the room, he appeared to be looking for something "is something wrong with him?" Eric asked.

"We just haven't heard from him in a minute," Jeremiah said "well the last time I saw him he was on the phone screaming at someone, then he just left," Eric let them know "he just left and didn't mention where he was going?" Belly questioned "nope not at all."

"Belly, maybe if you call him—"

"He's not going to answer me." She said, like she knew what she was talking about "wait you're belly?, dude.. Conrad was like so depressed when you guys broke up" Eric surmised "I'm sure it wasn't because of me.." she snickered, scratching the back of her neck.

"No, he was like always looking at pictures of you and him.. I felt sad for him too." Eric replied as if he was sure, Isabel looked over at Jeremiah who looked annoyed "Alright if you hear from Conrad please let us know" Jeremiah jumped in before anything else could be said about their breakup.

"Sure, but I have a test in like ten minutes so I gotta go, tell Conrad he owes me twenty dollars for that pizza when you guys find him." he mentioned as he was halfway out the door.

"So what are we supposed to do now," Isabel sighed plopping down on Conrad's bed, the scent he usually had was ruminating around the room, she missed him, she hated that they weren't together anymore "guys maybe we need to file a police report?" Tatyana suggested, they couldn't be investigators anymore.

"No, not yet.. give it a couple more hours maybe he'll call us back," Isabel bargained, she really didn't want to get the police involved "what do you mean? Conrad could be under a fucking bridge for all we know." Jeremiah shook his head, turning to her.

"guys— I'm sure he's okay he probably just wanted to be alone," Tatyana tried to reassure them but nothing was working "but anything's possible." she added.

"This isn't like co—" the trio was interrupted by a knock at the door, Jeremiah rushed over to answer it "I'm looking for my sweater is it in here?" she quickly spoke peaking around Jeremiah's shoulder.

"I don't know take a look," he responded, for a second he checked her out giving her a small smile "hey, do you know Conrad?" Tatyana asked watching the girl look around "yeah.. who are you guys?" She asked with an almost awkward grin.

"We're his friends, and that's his brother" she told her, the dark haired girl peered over at Jeremiah with a shocked look on her face "you guys are brothers? really? you guys don't look alike but you're cute too." she chuckled, Tatyana wasn't sure how old this girl was but she appeared to be on her fourth year of college.

"How old are you?" She stared at the girl with an amused look on her face "oh me, I'm twenty three."

"He's seventeen," Tatyana gave her a fake smile "oh! yeah um what were you asking about Conrad?" she continued looking around for her sweater before she found it in Eric's pile of clothes.

"Do you have any idea where he is?"

Isabel was hoping she'd know but also didn't want her to know, that would mean Conrad spoke to her that they were maybe friends, and she hated to Imagine that Conrad was off at college talking to pretty girls, everyday.

Summerboy, Steven Conklin.Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora