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"I'm here!" A out of breath tatyana yelled stepping into the house "Tatyana!" Belly grinned running out of the kitchen and to the front door pulling her into a tight hug.

"Did you run here?" Belly questioned pulling away from the hug "yeah, i was just so excited to see you guys, plus i needed the work out" Tatyana joked slipping off her shoes "Running just to see me?" Belly exclaimed hugging her one more time causing Tatyana to chuckle a bit.

Walking into the kitchen just to be greeted by hugs from Laurel and Susannah "wow Taty, look at you just gorgeous" Laurel smiled "heh, thank you Laurel"

"We're used to the beauty, she's here everyday" Jeremiah chimed into the conversation catching Taty's attention "please jere, don't act like you don't like seeing me everyday" she stuck her hand in his face before taking a seat at the kitchen island beside Susannah.

"We love your company, the guest room is always set up for you" Susannah questioned, patting her on the back "great because I'll be staying the weekend" Tatyana chuckled.

Suddenly two loud voices were heard from the backyard coming into the kitchen "Steven don't be stupid" Conrad playfully pushed him "bro- oh, hey Taty" Steven shifted his attention to her. Tatyana giggled at how Conrad pushed him.

"Hey guys, I would hug you but you're wet.." she scratched her neck observing the water that dripped onto the floor "hm okay, you know what this calls for since we're all here" Steven chuckled looking over at Conrad then Jeremiah "what?" Tatyana furrowed her eyebrows.

"Grab her legs guys!" Steven yelled swiftly making his way to grab her from behind "No! no! guys please!" She fussed a bit when they grabbed her legs "be careful guys!" Susannah said.

"Don't think just because belly got it we'll forget about you, it's your turn" Jeremiah laughed "Glad I'm not the only one being bullied" belly stood by the pool with her arms crossed "bro I swear to god.. put me down!" Tatyana shouted, almost out of breath from the amount of fussing she was doing.

All that could be heard was laughs and giggles and Tatyana's playful screams, the boys began to count down before tossing her into the pool, one last yell was heard before she was submerged under the water.

Coming up for air she groaned "I hate all of you"
"It's tradition!" Jeremiah giggled "Tradition my ass, you do this to me everyday, and I actually hurt my leg this time" she rolled her eyes "oh you're fine, belly already pulled that 'trick' on me" Conrad replied, walking back inside.

"help, I seriously hurt my leg I'm not lying" she held both of her hands out help, Steven and Jeremiah grabbed onto them only to be pulled in to the pool with her.

"Y'all are so naive!" She yelled quickly climbing out of the pool and grabbing a towel, she ran inside before the two could get to her "Sleep with one eye open tonight" Steven stuck his middle finger up at the girl.

"Deserved" Belly shrugged her shoulders walking back inside.


"Taty, you should come with us to the bonfire later" Steven mentioned walking into the backyard where Tatyana sat with her legs dipped in the pool "I don't feel like it, plus i need to leave soon" she turned to look at him, watching him take a seat beside her.

"Why you got plans with your.. boyfriend or something?"
Steven hesitated to ask "why would you bring that up- Steven don't be an ass" The girl scoffed giving him a cold look "what you're still with Christian aren't you" he said "can you stop acting like Jeremiah didn't tell you about me and Christian"

"He didn't tell me anything about you and Christian, what are you talking about?" Steven inquired, now more curious about whatever she was talking about.

"We broke up, I'm surprised Jeremiah didn't tell you" she sighed the tone in her voice changed quickly "well I didn't know, what happened?"

"I don't wanna talk about it"

"Okay sorry I'm just surprised, I thought you guys would last.. Seeing as you chose him over me" Steven commented obviously just trying to make her feel bad "I didn't choose him over you- it was complicated"

"No it wasn't, it was obvious you wanted him more than you wanted me"

"I can't believe I got my heart broken and you're making it about you" Tatyana stood up ready to walk away from him and the conversation "you did the same shit to me, what you forgot?"

"It wasn't that deep, it was a summer fling Steven, you said it yourself that we were just a fling"

Steven took a deep breath before responding, he really didn't want this conversation to end in a argument "How could you not tell that i wanted more?"

"You're literally so hard to read and you didn't put in any effort, don't try to flip this on me"

"Steven you were always reminding me that we were only together for the summer, then you'd act like we were in a full on relationship and the next day you'd act like there was nothing going on-" a stressed tatyana began to rant but was cut off by him "because you started pushing me away, and it was obviously because of Christian"

"I pushed you away because you were confusing, and you don't know what you want!" She snapped at him, Tatyana was so tired of him misinterpreting everything, of course there were two sides to the story but he never listened to hers "look.. i can't do this with you right now, goodnight Steven"

how did y'all like this chap? <3

Summerboy, Steven Conklin.Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora