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"Nice of you guys to join us!" A familiar voice spoke up "Mom?" Tatyana sighed at her mom who made an unexpected appearance "Sit down you two" Susannah said pointing at the chairs.

"Did you guys make up?" Laurel grinned "Yeah we're ok" Steven nodded sitting back down.

"Um yeah we're good" Tatyana agreed.

"So Teetee, I'm back for good baby" Tatyana's mother Celeste spoke, her heavy Colombian accent prominent "I bet you are, where were you even at for a month and two weeks?" Tatyana asked completely doubtful of her mother.

"I was working"

"Were you working or did you spend two weeks with one of your boyfriends?" Tatyana rolled her eyes earning a couple side eyes from the rest of people at the table.

"Tatyana.. I told you this I was working to provide for you and your big lifestyle" Celeste kissed her teeth at her daughter "Yeah whatever, you know you're lying straight to my face.. you know you lost your job after dad died so where have you been?"

"Tatyana you have no right to speak to me like-"

"Um you're the one who decided to leave me here after dad died because you weren't fit to take care of me by yourself.." Tatyana spoke calmly trying not to lose her shit.

"Tatyana I don't understand why you're so upset with me, I did the best I could to take care of you"

"No you didn't, just cause you gave me money and a huge house doesn't mean shit.. you left Susannah with a responsibility that she doesn't need.. me! And for what? So you could go prance off with your boyfriends only seven months after dad died?" Tatyana rolled her eyes slowly starting to become worked up.

"Hey it's okay" Isabel whispered placing her hand atop of Taty's "No it's not okay, Susannah is it okay that she used to drop me off here and leave me for months on end?" Tatyana asked as her eyes peered into her mothers soul "I think we can talk about this Taty"

"Yes we can.. no more drama needed" Celeste said obviously irritated, Tatyana could tell that her mother was ready to go off on her and throw hands like she did whenever they were in private.

"Shut up, I'm not talking about shit with you stay away from me" Tatyana aggressively responded standing up from the table and pushing her chair back in with force as she stormed off into the kitchen.

"You guys continue.. I will be right back" Susannah sighed wiping the sides of her mouth with a napkin.

Susannah walked into the kitchen to see Tatyana pacing back and forth, she could tell she was on the edge and most people knew not to touch her without warning when she was.

"Tatyana.. what's going on are you okay?" Susannah questioned, concern could be heard through her voice "I don't know, it's like everytime she comes back she uproots my life"

"I have so much resentment towards her, when I see her face I just get angry, all the shit she put me through..
I can't stand her" Tatyana admitted as she took deeper breaths "Although I don't know exactly what happened between you two, I have an idea.. Listen Tatyana you do not have to stay with her,"

Susannah gently touched her shoulder caressing it a bit "You can stay here and you know that, the other room is always set up for you so stay the night, I'll take you back to your house tomorrow and you can get some stuff and stay here as long as you'd like, just like before" Susannah gave her a comforting smile, that genuinely made her feel better.

She knew it was her motherly spirit that made her feel so comforted, Susannah was like a mother figure for Tatyana all those years her biological mother was gone.

Summerboy, Steven Conklin.Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant