41. Nightmare reckoning...

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No words could describe Ahru's overwhelming happiness and excitement as she left for Baekhyun's mansion. Her smile stretched from ear to ear, a reflection of her eagerness and hope that Baekhyun would understand her situation.

She had pleaded with Taehyung to let her go upon hearing that Sam would be picking up Mrs. Kim from Baekhyun's home. It was the perfect opportunity to clear things up with her best friend, to confide in him completely. Having Mrs. Kim there would also be advantageous, so she was determined to seize the chance. Besides, she still hadn't managed to visit the hospital, not since the day they ended up at the vet instead when the puppy fell unconscious on their way back.

Taehyung insisted on driving her but Ahru resisted on not, Shw was adamant about not letting him drive her to Baekhyun's mansion. She feared it would be chaotic if the two brothers met, and she felt capable of handling the visit alone, despite her bodyguard accompanying her like a shadow, like his life depended on her .

As Sam pulled the car out from the basement and stopped in front of her, Ahru climbed in. She quickly informed Sam that she needed to stop by the grocery store for some souvenirs. Once the car started moving, she retrieved her phone and opened Taehyung's chat to message him.

Ahru smiled to herself after sending the message to Taehyung about feeding Yeontan, their small corgi puppy. She glanced out the window, reflecting on how Yeontan had brought so much joy into their lives. Taehyung had named him, and the clever little pup often made Taehyung giggle, something Ahru cherished.

Her phone beeped, drawing her attention back. Taehyung's reply was a simple "okay!!", a short and curt response that hinted he might still be a bit sulky about her request. Amused by the thought of him being pouty and cute, a rare sight indeed, Ahru chuckled to herself. To tease him playfully, she sent a GIF of two kissing people.

Lost in her amusement, the car suddenly came to an abrupt stop, jolting Ahru forward so she nearly crashed her face into the back of the passenger seat.

"Why did we---" Ahru's voice caught in her throat as she witnessed a group of masked men outside the car, all pointing guns at them.

Here she go again.

Panic surged through her veins, her face flushed with fear, and her heart pounded loudly in her chest. She struggled to breathe as she fumbled to reach for her phone, intending to call Taehyung for help.

Before she could complete her thought or dial his number, the car door swung open, and a gun was aimed directly at her face. Trembling with fear, Ahru managed to stammer, "Y-you need anything?"

"We need you," the masked man replied in a menacing tone, grabbing Ahru and pulling her out of the car. Her phone slipped from her hand and fell to the ground as she was dragged towards a nearby SUV that had blocked their path.

Ahru's mind raced with fear and confusion. She felt powerless and overwhelmed by the situation unfolding before her. Tears welled up in her eyes, a single tear rolling down her cheek as she was forcibly moved. She couldn't believe this was happening again, and she desperately wished she could wake up safe in Taehyung's arms from what seemed like a nightmare.

In a moment of desperation, she tried to slap herself to wake up, but the stinging pain confirmed the grim reality. This was real. Ahru cursed under her breath, her hands now frantically trying to open the door of the SUV, but it remained firmly shut, trapping her inside with her captors.


Her body froze as the sharp report of a gunshot shattered the air. Ahru instinctively covered her ears, her heart hammering in her chest as terror gripped her. She squeezed her eyes shut, dreading what she might see when she dared to open them. Slowly, cautiously, she peeked through her lashes and her worst fears were confirmed—Sam lay motionless, a tragic victim of the violence that had erupted.

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