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| please, save me. |

I wish every little thing didn't bother me
didn't stand before me and block the way
but somehow, it sneaks up from behind
trapping me with nothing to say

I wish I could turn the other way
ignore what I know will only hurt
push aside the past I hold so close
but in the end, I know it will never work

I wish I didn't let it crowd me in a corner
didn't let it pull the curtains close to cover me
but I can't escape what is inside my head
can't stop what it wants me to see

I wish it wouldn't hold me down in the dark
smother my cries and steal my face
control a day and voice that could've saved
force me down so far and leave no trace

I wish sometimes that I could let go
make you stay to see what it's like
to clutch tightly to what won't stay
knowing you could never win the fight.

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