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| spit_demo2 |

sometimes i wonder
is this all i have to offer?
can't i try a little harder?
none of this is hard,
why can't you go farther?

sometimes i wonder
why do i feel like i'm regressing?
what more is still missing?
i'm not doing things in order,
what the hell am i suppressing?

i'm screaming in an empty head
and the echoes attacking me
fuck, i wish i was dead
don't tell me i didn't mean what i said

tell me how much i've failed
i'm sure i've said it before
i don't want to be stuck in a spell
let me disappear, i can do it well

simple words of reassurance
"clingy and needy" is what you call it
fuck you, i'll disappear without it
"you'll be back", then wait.
none of this means shit with it

simple words of reassurance
i don't want to hear it from you
don't try to act like you knew
i bled for years
and i'll start up again, new

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