•Chapter 3

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As we are on our way to the store to meet up with the band I anxiously watch my bestfriend pull out her phone to text Bill.I also pull out my phone to see if there's a notification from Tom that I possibly missed but there wasn't any.

My leg keeps bouncing up and down and I start to bite my nails.

My leg keeps bouncing up and down and I start to bite my nails

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"Ugh I can't ruin my nails." I say stopping to look at them.

I'm just so nervous to see Tom. What if the band isn't going to be there at all?? Are they going to ditch us??

"Are we here!?"My bestfriend says crashing my overthinking party.I hover over her lap to see if the band was outside the store. They weren't.

"I mean they're probably inside right?" I say to my bestfriend worriedly.I really hope they are because I've been looking forward to this all day since I woke up.


We walk in and I start to find the band or any sign of them really. As more and more minutes pass by with no sight of them I start to get more and more anxious.

"I'll go look in the 2nd floor." Says my bestfriend while slowly walking up the stairs.

"Alright wish you luck!" I say still looking for them.


my bestfriend has been up there for a while..did she find them?I see her running down the stairs with a smile on her face.

"What, did you find them??" I ask her nervously.

"Yeah they were up there looking for pants while waiting for us.Cmon!!"

We both run up the stairs and as soon as my eyes lay on the band my heart slows back normally to its normal pace.Thank goodness. I feel so much better because my stomach started to hurt before we found them.

Georg threw some pants at Toms face playfully to embarrass him in front of me.I giggled a little bit.

"Hey guys!" I say while walking towards them.

Gustav peeked out from an aisle of clothes and it made me kind of giggle again because he looked like a little racoon seeing what made a sound.

"You're that cute girl from yesterday!Hey~" Tom says switching from an excited tone to a flirty one and looking at me up and down. I smile at him softly just to let him now I liked how he called me cute.I'm starting to get more used to talking to my favorite band.

As Bill starts to lean his attention towards my bestfriend Tom also starts to flirt with me .

"I love your outfit y/n.It's made just for you."Tom says smirking.

Once again, I blush. It like I'm going to burn my face off because of the amount of times I blush.

"Thanks."I giggle afterwards while playing with my fingers. "You look real fine too." I say while trying to be more confident.

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