The cage.

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(Heyyy bitches, is down for maintenance rn (for like the 10th time today what are they doing it better be removing that nsfw filter, but anyways here I am writing this story at 12am😋)

Mario looked up at Luigi, pretty shocked at that remark, not entirely believing it.
"Luigi? wouldn't, I'm your brother, you wouldn't do that to me.."

Luigi sighed, looking down at Mario with a look that could only be described as a look of pure disgust
"I'll do what I must, and it's not just you, that pretty little girlfriend of yours will also have the same treatment as you."

Peach looked pretty unsettled by this, looking down at Mario, Mario was seething with rage at the idea that Peach could get hurt.
"Luigi what the fuck has gotten into you..? You used to be so caring and kind, and now you're this cause of Bowser, is he forcing you to be like that? God, if he was here I'd knock some sense into him.."

The corners of Luigi's lips began to twitch, with him starting to get more and more annoyed with Mario's verbal mistreatment of Bowser.
"Mario, it's pathetic how concerned you are, honestly, I've made it clear that I don't like you and want to be near you for any longer than I have to, and now you're starting to test my you have a death wish.?"

Mario slightly flinched at the last sentence, clearly hadn't thought the fact Luigi actually wanted to kill him and Peach over, not even imagining his brother could even think of doing such a sweet thing to another person, this can't be Luigi, it can't be him, no way, just a few weeks ago he was talking about his marriage plans (C.AI CAME BACK WHILE I WAS WRITING THIS WOOHOO!) this can't be Luigi, no no no it can't be him at all, Bowser has definitely done something to him, Luigi wouldn't do this on his own, he couldn't do this by had to be Bowser, yeah, it had to be.
"Luigi, this isn't you and you know it, you hate hurting people, you used to get mad at me for hurting the Koopa's, you'd never threaten to destroy a whole kingdom if it meant staying with someone, and you'd never threaten to hurt's not like you."

Luigi just laughed, which only angered Mario more, but Luigi's laugh wasn't an entertained one, it was more so that laugh people do when they find something you say stupid, but are still mad at you.
"Oh've always been the stupider one out of us two, but I didn't think you were this stupid, being with Bowser has changed me, but he hasn't forced me unlike what you think happened, I changed because I feel respected here, I feel like people actually care about me, so I'm willing to do anything to protect the people that helped me see what I'm actually capable of, what I can do when I'm not stuck in your shadow all the time, no one in the mushroom kingdom appreciated me, they NEVER did, it was always "Well done Mario for saving Luigi!" And then "Well done Luigi for uh, being kidnapped.." but people here actually care about me, they cared about me in a way that people in the mushroom kingdom never did, they actually believe in me in what I can do."

Mario just looked at Luigi, his eyes wide as if he didn't believe him.
"Luigi, stop bitching and moaning, people would care if you actually did something to contribute, you're acting all emo because you did nothing, and are getting no support as you did nothing."

Luigi's eye twitched a bit, but he tried to keep his cool, not wanting to lash out and break the almost calm demeanour he had.
"I did try though, Mario, I tried for such a long time to try keep up to you, I really did try, but I admit I couldn't, you never let me catch up so I just had to sit behind and get kidnapped, while you went and saved the day, I wanted to help but you'd never let me."

Peach sighed, getting a bit sick of the bickering between the two as it was getting them nowhere other than hating each other more than they already did.
"You two, just shut up, okay? This argument isn't gonna help you two fix whatever family issues you have, it's just gonna do the opposite, so I really don't see the point on wasting your breath on an argument that isn't even doing anything."

Mario just stared at Peach, looking pretty shocked she interrupted like that, while Luigi looked at her a bit more shocked, how dare she interrupt him? Who does she think she is advising him on how to handle his own family drama without him asking for it?

Luigi just signed, slightly rolling his eyes.
"Guards, have them caged for the time being."

And just like that, before they could even reply, Mario and Peach were grabbed by some Koopa guards were grabbed, being thrown into two separate cages above a pit of steaming hot lava, they could feel the heat of the steam slightly, but Mario just sat faced away from everyone, it was actually his first time being kidnapped, he felt helpless, he felt like no matter if he tried he can't save the day for once, it was his first time being kidnapped, and he was starting to feel bad for Luigi as he had to experience this so much because of his brothers ignorance, Luigi must of felt even worse then he did, Mario knows he may have a chance but Luigi must've felt completely helpless by how he described how everyone treated him, and what he guesses was how he felt too.

Luigi just scoffed, looking down at the cages while rolling his eyes, he soon walked back into the throne room, sat next to Bowser on the little throne he had made for him, just sighing to himself sounding pretty annoyed, which made Bowser turn his head in wordy.
"Luigi, love? Are you alright? You look kind of..annoyed."

Luigi just looked down at the ground, him and Bowser talking was making him feel a bit better.
"Hey uh, yeah, yeah I'm fine...Mario just got on my nerves a bit today, that's all."

Bowser sighed, his expression getting more visibly annoyed at the mention of his name, Bowser hates Mario, but can tolerate him because Luigi cares for him, with them being brothers and all, but Luigi seems pretty mad at Mario now, which doesn't sound all too bad for Bowser because that means Bowser won't have to deal with Mario's shit attitude and rude comments on him, which is for the best anyway.

Luigi sighed again, clearly unsure to say what happened between him and Mario, but he said it anyway.
"I got pretty mad at Mario and Peach today...I, uh...I have them caged over the lava pit, if that's okay, I was hoping to give them 'front row' seats to our wedding if you get what I mean."

Bowser just laughed a bit, his eyes lighting up at the mentioning of Mario, lava and cage in the same sentence.
"That sounds like a great idea! Gives me even more of a reason to speed up the wedding planning!"
Bowser just laughed to himself, looking over at Luigi still

Luigi just laughed a bit and rolled his eyes, clearly finding it pretty funny
"Well then, I'll let you handle your planning! Ooo, if we burn them before our wedding we could do it as a sacrifice!"

Bowsers eyes lit up even more at this idea, clearly enjoying the idea of having Mario gone as soon as possible, which is something he's been waiting for for a very long time now, a way to kill Mario, he always thought it would just be impossible since there are just too many people on his side, but with the Toad's wrapped around his finger and Princess Peach in a cage, there was nothing Mario could do this time to stop his plan, which is a great relief to him.
"I love that idea, I'm pretty exited to have him out of our way, he was just trying to ruin stuff for us anyway.."

Luigi nodded in agreement, thinking about all the times Mario tried to split them up, his eye twitched at the thought which is just making him all the more exited for Mario to be gone, permanently this time.

A few months later, everything had been going great, the kingdoms we're getting richer because of their cooperation, and everything was just going great, including Bowser and Luigi's relationship, they were great for each other after all, sharing most opinions and never arguing.

Finally, the time of the wedding came, the day of the wedding to be more exact, but as they said their plan is to lower Mario and the other prisoners into the lava before the wedding, so they both went into the room with the lava pit to do that.

Luigi sighed, looking down at the cage Mario was in, seeming to rethink it, but he shut that thought out eventually.
"Bowser, lower the cages."

The cages just started to lower, bringing Mario closer and closer to the lava, he was freaking out but knew there was no point in screaming, no one would listen anyway.

The cage got lower and lower, with the bottom of Mario's cave hitting the lava, but then he heard a voice.

(Woah it's 1 am now I'm so tired anyway my writing schedule prob won't be consistent but I hope y'all enjoy the shit I pulled out of my ass for this 😭)

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