The betrayel.

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Luigi looked up at the ceiling in his room unsure of what to do, everything was going so well, but a Koopa guard had recently told him that Mario had been making plans to capture Bowser, who does Mario think he is? Trying to take Bowser away from Luigi? Luigi was furious, he was going to make sure Mario knew that even though he was the weaker brother, he was a force to be reckoned with, and he would make sure Mario regretted every single time that he wronged Luigi, Luigi thought Mario cared, but it seems Mario is just willing to take away the love of his life like it's nothing, he will make sure Mario will pay, no matter what.
Two days later.

Luigi was awaiting Mario's arrival, knowing today was the day Mario intended on coming, and Luigi was prepared for it, Luigi knew Mario was bringing Peach and Toad to try capture Bowser, but he wasn't going to let that happen, Bowser didn't know, no one else except for him and the guard that told him know just to make sure everything goes to plan, he has been planning this out with that guard for the last two days and the plan was full proof, nothing could go wrong, and Luigi was right, in a few minutes a massive crash was heard, and in came Mario, Toad and Peach, Luigi was stood in the room waiting for them.

"Luigi!" Peach ran up and gave Luigi a hug, only to be nudged back a bit
"Luigi, what's wrong..?" Peach at Luigi clearly concerned, Luigi just glared back at her.

"Luigi what gives?" Mario has walked over by now, looking up at Luigi as Mario is significantly shorter than Luigi, Mario grew increasingly more annoyed as Luigi didn't say anything.

"Look Luigi,'I'm sorry for breaking in but Bowser isn't a good person, he's lying to you Luigi.." Mario looked up Luigi sympathetically, trying to make it seem like he understands how Luigi feels, but Luigi was having none of it this time, usually he just agreed and went with the advice Mario was giving him but not this time, he's changed, he has finally changed and it is for the better, and he was going to make sure everybody knew he was no longer that guy you could push around s and then get forgiven by with ease, being with Bowser has made him realise he's more than what he thinks, and he's worth a lot more then what he was originally told me was and he'll make sure everyone finally sees him for what he's worth, even Mario, Mario was always nice to him, but never made any attempt at trying to make Luigi feel equal, he always reminded Luigi that he was falling behind but worded it nicely in a way that makes it seem like he was giving advice so Luigi could never get mad at him, but this time he could, and he will, he was having none of it anymore, he's sick of being pushed around by everybody in his life, even the Toads used to push  him around before he changed the kingdoms for the better and then the Toads started to finally respect him more then Mario, which Luigi knew was Marios real problem, Mario wasn't concerned about Bowser, he was concerned about being in second places after all these years of being in first place, he wanted to be better than Luigi in everything, and now that Luigi is having his well deserved time to shine, Mario has to butt in and ruin it all, he ruins everything and he always gets away with it because he does some heroic thing after and everybody praises him for it, and Luigi has to just nod along or he'll be outcasted for being the only person in the mushroom kingdom disagreeing with Mario, but now Mario is in second place, so Luigi doesn't have to nod along anymore, he can call Mario out because everybody respects him instead of Mario now, he can finally have his long awaited revenge after years of  being in his brothers shadow, and he was already imagining how good it would feel to be in the spotlight permanently after all these years.

"Well my dear brother, I thank you for your concerns but I'm afraid your...intrusion will not be necessary, I'm happy with Bowser and I am staying here." Mario looked shocked, it's the first time Luigi has disagreed with him, Mario wasn't used to this, and he didn't like things that he wasn't used to.

"Luigi you're being ridiculous, he's evil, he wants to take down the mushroom kingdom and literally all the other kingdoms too just to get power for himself! Do you really want to be with someone who's that selfish?!" Mario was always the argumentative type, when he'd say something he'd stick to it, even if he was wrong, which annoyed Luigi quite a lot.

"Once again, brother, I do really thank you for your concerns but I'll have to decline, Bowsers been making me happier then I was in the mushroom kingdom, and as you can tell, the kingdoms are in peace and if Bowser was going to attack, he'd be doing it right now and not letting there be a ton of trade and tourism into the Darklands."

"Luigi, stop, you know this is wrong, you always wanted to marry Daisy and live with her before now, what's gotten into you? This is starting to get concerning, Bowser is dangerous and you know it, he's nearly killed your in our old fights! And now you're dating him like it's nothing?! It's like you've got a death wish Luigi, He doesn't care about you, he's using you to get resources and then he's going to throw you to the side, kidnap Peach and then try take down the kingdoms again like he did last time! It's already enough of a danger that he's allowed full sized again, if it was my decision I'd still have him minimised, he is a monster and he's never going to change, and you need to accept that Luigi."

"Maybe he is a monster, and maybe he won't change, but if he ever comes to the decision to take over the other kingdoms, maybe I'll go with him and help him do it, I've always been second to you Mario, and you knew it, people have always looked down on me then praised you, and you've done it too wether you've realised or not, Bowser and his kingdom doesn't though, they look up to me and respect me, and I don't care what you have to say about it, Mario, I'm done with you and I'm done with the mushroom kingdom, I'm staying here even if it means destroying your kingdom." Luigi was getting annoyed because he knew Mario would put up a fight again, his eye was already twitching just from thinking of the idiotic response his idiotic brother would come up with

"Fine Luigi, Be like that, we'll just have to take down Bowser ourself, we'll do more than minimising him this time though."

"You'll do what?."

Lemmy and Ron were standing at the doorway, as they had a place in the plan too, they were there incase Luigi needed help or anything went wrong, so they've been stood at the doorway making sure nobody goes in or out, Wendy's been hiding in the room as well spying to make sure no Toad troops come.

"Fine then Mario, I didn't want it to come to this, Lemmy, Ron, get the cages, tell Bowser we'll have some sacrifices for our wedding."

This chapter is short but I wrote it in 15 min so, just needed to get something out since I forgot about this story😭 I'll try write some more since I'd hate to leave y'all on a cliffhanger xx  

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